Painful redness under the armpits. Fungus under the armpits. Treatment with ointments from fungus

Fungus under the armpits often occurs in people who suffer from poor heredity, excess weight, excessive sweating, and low protective functions of the body, so its treatment should be comprehensive.

The disease occurs only with weakened immunity, otherwise some kinds of fungus destroy harmful micro-organisms, protect the epidermis, stop the reproduction of bacteria. If the acid balance is normal, then the likelihood of fungal infection under the arm is minimized, including cadidosis. To treat the disease, a course of therapy is used, including ointments, procedures, medications, etc.

Microorganisms live on almost every object, including the human body, for example, a fungus under the arms, arms, back, elbows - it's not uncommon.

Many know about their negative impact on the skin, which is reflected in redness, rash, cracks, etc.

Cords on the body - this is an ideal environment for the development and life of microorganisms. People with impaired sweat glands work with this problem. Axillary "climate" has a constant temperature, which in combination with seborritional excretion, as well as humidity, becomes the main factor for the development of harmful bacteria.

Most patients who are diagnosed with candidiasis are:

  • athletes;
  • diabetics;
  • workers whose activities are associated with increased temperature and humidity of the environment, for example, metallurgists or miners;
  • patients suffering from chronic diseases;
  • people of old age.

Increases the risk of the disease overweight and limited movement. When removing hair from this sensitive area, there are micro-organisms that cause the development of the infectious process. Special attention  it is necessary to give depilatories and razors, they should be cleaned after and before each use, and still it is impossible to forget about regular maintenance and periodic replacement of elements.

The fungus can be easily picked up after visiting the public bath, sauna, pool, because in such places the fungal organism feels excellent. And the fungus is spread so much that one touch of bare skin is enough to infect. We should not forget about genetics, because by inheritance, a predisposition to the onset of skin diseases, including the fungus under the armpits, can be transmitted.

How to get rid of a fungal infection

Many people are disparaging to this disease, believing that everything will pass by itself. However, the fungus exhibits surprising survival abilities in various extreme conditions. The wet area of ​​the armpits with a constant temperature aggravates the situation, which can increase the duration and change the course of treatment. Once the characteristic symptoms of the disease were found, immediate measures should be taken immediately, first, contact the dermatologist. At the admission specialist diagnoses the disease and the degree of damage, which will allow the generation of fungus treatment under the armpits. Treatment should consist not only of a localized fight against fungal infection with the help of ointments, but also in enhancing the protective functions of the body, as well as minimizing the recurrence of the disease.

The fungus under the armpits does not lead to fatalities, but it can bring a lot of troubles in the form of rashes, constant itching and flaking, and it is necessary to treat the disease for several weeks, and maybe months.

Taking medications should be observed with special procedures that will be aimed at drying the skin in the affected area, using talc or baby powder for this. In addition, you need to make a literate diet, include in the diet exceptionally healthy food. To worsen the situation can hyperhidrosis - the pathology of sweat glands, in which there is an increased allocation of sweat. In this case, can remove the fungus under the armpit only treatment of the sweat glands, that is, the therapy will have to be combined with the treatment of hyperhidrosis, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desired results.

What drugs are used to treat fungus?

Modern medical products are actively used for fungus in various parts of the body. The agent from the fungus can perfectly show itself, showing high efficiency, but the use of one drug directed to one side will not lead to a positive result - the fungus of the armpits will remain. Ointment from the fungus and cream will help to cope with the affected area, but this will not affect immunity in any way, that is, the protective functions will not increase.

Therefore, all the treatment methods must be combined to make the therapy complex, it includes:

  • preparations for health promotion: immunostimulants, various vitamins, useful supplements, etc .;
  • if the cause of the disease is excessive sweating as a result of hyperhidrosis, then first you need to cope with this problem and only then go on to treat the fungus;
  • local treatment with ointment, gel, cream, which dry the infected areas, promote early healing of wounds, destroy fungus and inflammation;
  • prevention - this item is especially relevant for people who have a special predisposition to fungal infections. Hardening, sports, rational nutrition, personal hygiene are factors that improve health, and therefore protective functions of the body.

Fungus under the armpits is a common and quite serious disease that needs quality treatment with medications, diet and special procedures.

Therapy should be done only under the supervision of a dermatologist. It can perfectly complement the treatment of folk remedies.

Fungal disease affects not only the area of ​​the head, arms, legs, but often diagnosed candidiasis under the armpits. Axillary cavity is the most favorable environment for the reproduction of fungi, since in this area there is increased sweating. Pathogenic microorganisms causing the disease, damage the integrity of the skin in the armpit and provoke an unpleasant odor.


The causative agent of thrush under the mouse is a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida, which refers to opportunistic microorganisms and is present in small numbers in each person. With unfavorable factors, the fungus multiplies and provokes the development of candidiasis under the armpit. The main sources of thrush under the armpits are:

  • hereditary predisposition, in which the parents had fungal diseases of any kind;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body caused by puberty, pregnancy, menopause;
  • abnormalities in the thyroid gland, in which there is increased sweating in the armpit;
  • the presence of excess weight, as a result of which the body exercises an increased load, which leads to a strong sweating of the person, especially in the area under the arms;
  • chronic diseases, especially diabetes of any kind;
  • diseases of an infectious and viral nature.

Risk groups

The main risk group are people who are directly in constant contact with infected fungal disease. So, thrush under the armpits is often observed in children whose parents are ill with an ailment.

  Candidiasis of the skin is a superficial skin lesion caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

In addition, there are other risk groups that are more likely than others to have candidiasis under the armpits:

  • athletes who have increased sweat production;
  • workers in the shops;
  • people who spend a lot of time in wet or hot rooms in connection with work;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus or chronic ailments;
  • patients leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • people with excess weight;
  • aged people.

The pathological process is more exposed to women, because they are more likely than men to shave the area under their arms or apply other depilation procedures, which increases the likelihood of developing candidiasis. This is due to the fact that when using various creams, ointments and other depilation products on the skin in the armpit there are micro-traumas.

Symptoms of candidiasis under the armpits

Fungus under the arms is often similar in its symptoms to other dermatological pathologies: pink lichen, dermatitis of the skin, neurodermatitis, herpes. With improper therapy or lack of it, candidiasis takes on a chronic form and spreads to nearby skin. Determine thrush under the armpits is possible for such symptoms:

  • constant itching, which eventually grows and a person feels a burning sensation;
  • spots on the skin, inside of which there is a blood fluid;
  • redness and flaking of damaged skin;
  • wet wounds in the area of ​​itching;
  • loss and absence of hair in the place of damage.

Features in children

Candidiasis in the armpit in children is characterized by the appearance of pinkish pale spots. As a rule, the disease is detected and treated on a timely basis by pharmacies, so it does not pose a threat to the health of the child. Often, this disease is associated with synthetic clothing, so after replacing it with a better one, the problem disappears by itself.

Parents, in case of detection of pathological eruptions in the armpit in a child, it is required to consult a pediatrician, since such signs can indicate not only candidiasis, but also other skin diseases.

  The consultation is conducted by a dermatovenereologist and mycologist.

If a person has a suspicion of candidiasis in the armpit, then you should see a dermatologist or a mycologist who can accurately determine the diagnosis. If it is impossible to contact these specialists, the patient can consult a therapist who will inspect the damaged skin and, if necessary, send it to a more specialized specialist.


First of all, the doctor examines the damaged skin, and then assigns some diagnostic procedures:

  • Microscopy. For the diagnosis, scraped skin is scraped and sent to a microscopic examination to determine the presence of the fungus, its appearance and quantity.
  • Carrying out the sowing of the skin on Saburo's environment, which also clarifies the nature of the fungal lesion.
  • General analysis of urine and blood.
  • Blood test for HIV infection.

Treatment of fungus under the armpits


To get rid of candidiasis under the armpits it is possible with the help of complex therapy, which includes medicines of local and systemic influence, a special diet and hygiene rules. The table shows the most common drugs used in the treatment of candidiasis under the armpits:

Form of issueA drugFeatures
OintmentsTinedolIt reduces the number of fungus and improves skin condition. There are no contraindications, but a test for an allergic reaction should be performed beforehand.
Salicylic and zincThe most budgetary tool against fungal disease, while not less effective. Before use it is necessary to take into account the unpleasant odor of the drug.
NystatinActive substances lead to inhibition and elimination of fungi. It is possible to use in the early and late stages of candidiasis under the armpits. Cure the disease can be for 7-14 days, applying the product daily 2 times.
PillsExifinIt allows to eliminate fungal infection of the skin under the arm, but has a number of side reactions. The drug is appointed by the attending physician.
FungoterbineThe drug has an antifungal effect and effectively eliminates the disease, even in later stages.
MyconormTablets are used in severe stages of candidiasis under the arm, they are able to completely eliminate the fungus.
FluconazoleThey are used exclusively for the doctor's prescription because of side effects.

In the body of a healthy person, a certain number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms are present, which do not cause discomfort.

Under favorable conditions, the fungal pathogen activates, suppresses the beneficial microflora, disrupting the balance and causing problems.

Normally, the acid balance on the skin restrains the uncontrolled reproduction of yeast-like fungi, but when a malfunction occurs, infection develops-candidiasis, manifested in the armpits.

In the folds of the skin and in the armpit for the fungus creates a comfortable environment. Often fungus occurs in people prone to sweating.

A person under the arm is always warm, and in combination with a constant moisture such conditions are ideal for the reproduction of Candida fungi. Often candidiasis is diagnosed in athletes, employees of production workshops (representatives of professions related to work in premises with hot and humid climates), diabetics and bedridden patients, elderly patients and obese people.

An additional factor that causes fungus under the armpits, a special hygiene feature. It's about removing hair with a razor and different ways of depilation, during which you can apply micro-trauma.

Shaving devices multiply bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, which penetrate into cracks and inflammations on the skin, causing fungus armpits.

The causes of fungus in the armpits

According to WHO statistics, fungal diseases are activated against the background of stress. Under his influence, there is sweat in the armpit basins, which provokes the fungus under the armpits.

Other causes of sweating:

  • failure of the hormonal background, the disorder occurs during pregnancy, menopause, puberty;
  • hereditary predisposition, a child whose parents suffered from hyperhidrosis will have similar problems;
  • thyroid disease;
  • diabetes;
  • viral infections and inflammatory processes;
  • tuberculosis.

Symptoms of fungus

Before selecting a remedy that will help get rid of the fungus, you need to make sure that the discomfort is caused by a fungal infection. The doctor will help to identify the problem.

The patient suspects a fungus under his armpits, if there are diaper rash, which itch and crack, skin peeling with the appearance of powdery white coating.

The physician should differentiate the mycosis from the neurodermite, depriving, dermatitis, afterwards to prescribe an effective treatment of the fungus under the armpits. He is engaged in diagnostics and treatment of a dermatologist. He will direct a scrap of skin to a laboratory analysis, identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to medicines.

How to treat mycosis in the armpit

When a doctor diagnoses a fungus under the armpit treatment will include medications to reduce sweating. If you do not take care of this problem, antimycotic ointments will not show effectiveness, they will be washed off later.

Before treating the patient, the doctor determines the presence of infections. If the fungus affects large areas on the skin, a secondary infection develops against it. The treatment course will include systemic antibiotics and antifungal drugs, you need to apply cream, solutions and lotions.

To choose antibacterial agents, as well as preparations from a fungus it is not necessary, let the competent expert. Free use of medicines, like: terbinafine, fluconazole, itraconazole can harm health, and the fungus will develop resistance to the drug.

In addition to complex medicines, the doctor recommended the treatment of folk remedies, necessarily appointed, stimulating immunity, drugs - anaferon, tsikloferon, galovit, polyoxidonium, biphon.

Long-term use of funds is not necessary - harmful. Can block the work of immunity. Of a large selection of local antimycotic agents prescribe mycosol, nizoral, terbinox, myconorm, imacort, triderm and terbisil.

To effectively conduct from such a disease as a fungus under the armpits, treatment, then ointments should be used according to the instructions that the doctor recommended. To reduce the amount of sweat used medicinal antiperspirant and traditional medicine - vinegar, tincture of sage and tea with melissa.

When the fungus infects the skin, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapy as therapeutic procedures. Irradiation of foci of disease with the help of an ultraviolet lamp. With a successful outcome through 5 procedures, mycosis can be cured.

In the early stages of fungal diseases, infection can be cured with external drugs without the addition of toxic systemic agents. Such a scheme will be sparing for organs and systems. Local ointments and creams do not penetrate into the bloodstream, create a concentration in the place of the focus of the disease in order to get rid of the pathogenic microflora.

Popular ointments for treatment of fungus

Effects on fungus with special medications are an important condition of the result of treatment. Drugs are prescribed taking into account the severity of the disease, individual characteristics of the patient's health.

Below are listed effective ointments that cope with fungal infections. The choice of the drug is entrusted to the attending physician.

Lamisil is an ointment that has a wide spectrum of action against pathogenic microorganisms. The active substance of the ointment is terbinafine, its activity is proven against dimorphic, mold fungi and dermatophytes.

Already after 2-3 days of using the ointment, patients notice significant improvements in the condition, the disappearance of discomfort. After a week of treatment, you can be cured. Terbinafine is available in the form of tablets, a spray and a cream. It fights well with mycosis of the scalp, against molds and yeasts, varicoloured fungi, mycotic lesions of the nails, feet, fingers.

Terbizil - a drug, an active substance, which belongs to the group of allylamines. It has a fungicidal and fungistatic effect (stops the spore reproducing and has a fatal effect on the fungus itself). It acts against fungi, quickly removes inflammation and flaking. For ease of use, it is available in the form of ointments, creams, and tablets.

Atifin is a broad-spectrum drug. The main active substance in the cream is terbinafine hydrochloride. They are absorbed into the tissue by about 5%, which allows combining local treatment with other drugs of general action.

Exifin - ointment based on a substance from the allylamine group, acting against infectious agents on the skin. Ointment is used to get rid of the fungus in the groin, on the nails, in the armpits. It is produced not only in the form of ointments, but also in tablets.

Fungoterbine acts against a number of pathogenic microorganisms, including those that cause fungal diseases, candidiasis of tissues and mucous membranes, dermatophytosis. Produced in the form of ointments, sprays and tablets.

Myconorms helps in the treatment of fungus in the armpits. It fights dermatophytes Trichophyton, Microsporum, Pityrosporum orbiculare, Epidermophyton, yeast-like fungi Candida albicans.

Prevention of fungus under the armpits

Like any disease, candidiasis under the armpits is easier to prevent than treat. You need to take care of getting rid of excessive sweating.

You can achieve cosmetic antiperspirants (their choice and use during treatment - in the competence of a doctor), pharmacy, surgical and cosmetic procedures.

During hair removal under the armpits, you should choose gentle methods, do not forget about the disinfection of the treated skin and tools. For those who sweat, it is recommended to give up synthetic clothes in favor of natural fabrics in the summer. There will not be a greenhouse effect and the skin will breathe.

Hygienic procedures are carried out regularly, do not use antibacterial cosmetics. Such gels and soap destroy useful microflora and serve a bad service. From time to time the area under the armpits is rinsed with a decoction of chamomile and oak bark.

To avoid infection, you must exclude the use of other people's clothing, personal care products and towels. If the skin itches, you need to try not to comb it, it causes microtrauma and allows bacteria to enter the body.

Nutrition plays a role in the prevention of fungus and other diseases. Yeast fungus likes sugar, yeast and fast carbohydrates.

If you exclude from the diet of harmful foods, add sour-milk, then the defenses of the body strengthen, the fungus will be less likely. If you suspect a fungus, you need to contact a dermatologist, get treatment at the initial stage ⏤ it's fast.
