How much air must be supplied to the room. Terms and Definitions. General technical requirements


The calculation of the required air exchange is quite a challenge. Despite the old problems, domestic and foreign data on optimal air exchange are still contradictory and often insufficiently substantiated.

How much air does a person need for comfort?

4. SNiP 2.09.04-87 "Administrative and residential buildings."

5. GN “Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPC) of Pollutants in the Ambient Air of Populated Areas”.

6. MGSN 4.10-97 "Buildings of banking institutions."

7. SNiP 31-05-2003 "Public buildings for administrative purposes."

8. GOST 30494-96 “Residential and public buildings. The parameters of the microclimate in the premises.

9. ASHRAE 62.1-2004, 62.1-2007 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.

10. Ventilation Systems. Edited by Hazim D. Awbi. London and New York. 2008

11. A. N. Seliverstov. Ventilation of factory premises. T.1. NKTP USSR. ONTI. - M, Gosstroyizdat, 1934.

12. Yu. D. Gubernsky. Hygienic aspects of ensuring optimal conditions for the internal environment of residential and public buildings. Abstract doctoral dissertation. - M., 1976.

13. O.V. Eliseeva. To the substantiation of the MPC of carbon dioxide in the air // Hygiene and Sanitation. - 1964. - № 8.

14. SP 2.5.1198-03 " Sanitary regulations  on the organization of passenger transport by rail. "

15. Olli Seppa..nen. Tuottava toimisto 2005. Raportti b77. Loppuraportti 2005.

16. Adrie van der Luijt. Director of Finance online. 11.19.2007.

17. Handbook of heat supply and ventilation in civil engineering. - Kiev: Gosstroyizdat USSR, 1959.

E. O. Shilkrot, cand. tech. Sciences, Senior Researcher. Winner of the NP "ABOK" award "Medal. V. N. Theological. OJSC "TSNIIPromzdany"

Yu. D. Gubernsky, academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Institute of Human Ecology and Hygiene the environment  them. A.N. Sysina RAMS

In the ABOK magazine, No. 6, 2007, under the heading “Proposal for discussion” an article by V.I. Livchak “On the air exchange rates of public buildings and the consequences of their overstatement” was published. , 62.1-2004 “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality” and their comparison with the Standard AVOK-1-2002 “Residential and public buildings. Air exchange rates. The author of the article comes to the following conclusion: "... the rate of air exchange per person for most of the characteristic rooms ... was lower than recommended in previous versions of the ASHRAE standard for 2002 and 1999 ...". This circumstance prompted the president of NP ABOK, Yu. A. Tabunshchikov, to appeal to the developers of the ASHRAE Standard 62.1–2004 with a request to clarify the tendency for a decrease in air exchange rates. The answers of the developers of the ASHRAE Standard 62.1–2004 were published after the article by V. I. Livchak, but they do not contain justifications for the reasons explaining this tendency for a decrease in air exchange rates.

In his article, V.I. Livchak notes that since “there can be no“ national peculiarities ”in providing a person with fresh air for breathing, one should be guided by American norms,” since they summarize the advanced world experience. In addition, the article states that the inability to organize normal air distribution leads in practice to an actual reduction of air exchange in the room.

One of the authors of this article, EO Shilkrot, specifically met during the ASHRAE Winter Meeting in January 2008 in New York with one of the developers of the standard and discussed with them the principles underlying the American standard ASHRAE 62.1–2004.

Considering the article by V.I. Livchak debatable and agreeing with the author that despite the fact that good air distribution in the room is really quite a difficult task, the problems of air distribution in no way can be the reason for reducing air exchange, we will try to figure out how much air do you need a person for comfort?

The calculation of the required air exchange is quite a challenge. Despite the old problems, domestic and foreign data on optimal air exchange are still contradictory and often insufficiently substantiated.

Increased air exchange increases comfort; on the other hand, the systems of ventilation and air distribution become more complex, the energy costs of processing and transporting the outside supply air increase.

The first priority in this dilemma is undoubtedly ensuring the safety and comfort of people staying in the room, and the energy costs for ventilation should remain at an acceptable level.

One of the main indicators of comfort rooms is the composition and purity (quality) of air.

Indoor air quality depends on many factors: outdoor air quality; the presence of sources of pollution in the room, the power and location of these sources; the method and design of the system of ventilation and air conditioning, methods of control and reliability of operation of these systems, etc.

Indoor air must not contain pollutants in concentrations that are hazardous to human health or cause discomfort. Such contaminants include various gases, vapors, microorganisms, tobacco smoke, and some aerosols, such as dust. Pollutants can enter the premises along with the outside supply air from sources of pollutants in the room, including waste products of people, technological processes, furniture, carpets, building and decorative materials.

The current rate of air exchange is based on the calculation of air exchange on the permissible level of carbon dioxide (CO 2) proposed by M. Pettenkofer in the last century as a criterion for the degree of purity of indoor air. At the same time, in modern cities, where the main sources of carbon dioxide are products of fuel combustion, its allowable level proposed by M. Pettenkofer loses its significance to a certain extent, since an increased concentration of CO 2 under these conditions often does not indicate pollution indoor air due to inadequate ventilation.

How are these quite common questions of the quality and quantity of ventilation air being solved today? Consider them on the example of a modern building with office space.

In office space, separate heating and ventilation systems are most often used, which is generally justified in the conditions of most regions of Russia.

Today, as a rule, a system of supply and exhaust mechanical ventilation (air conditioning) is arranged in such buildings. The scheme of the organization of air exchange - in most cases - mixing ventilation using fan convectors or internal units of split-systems. In this case, the task of the ventilation system is to ensure clean air. Very rarely in domestic practice are used systems with variable air flow, displacing ventilation, emitting panels.

Currently, two methods are used to determine the minimum necessary air exchange sufficient to ensure the permissible air quality in the room:

Method based on specific norms of air exchange,

when the amount of outdoor air is set depending on the purpose of the room and its mode of operation. This technique will be used to calculate the amount of air exchange in rooms in which, as a rule, no changes are made to their purpose, the size and nature of the pollutants entering the room during operation.

Method based on the calculation of permissible concentrations of pollutants,

when the required air quality is determined depending on the size and nature of the pollutants in the room. This technique is recommended to be used to calculate the amount of air exchange in rooms that can change their purpose and (or) mode of operation during operation, in which intense sources of pollutants, etc., can appear or appear.

Method based on specific norms of air exchange

is reflected in domestic and foreign regulatory documents.

With regard to office space, the following values ​​of specific standards are proposed:

  • SNiP 2.09.04-87 "Administrative and residential buildings." The air exchange rate is 1.5 h-1 (the floor area is less than 36 m 2, the floor space per 1 worker is 4 m 2), i.e., the air exchange at a height of 3 m is 18 m 3 / h. *

* Here and below, “air exchange” means the amount of fresh air that meets the requirements of GN and has a CO 2 concentration not exceeding 400 ppm (1 ppm [cm 3 / m 3] = 0.12 x 10-6 x x M x P / T [g / m 3], where M is the molecular weight; P is the pressure [Pa]; T is the temperature [K].)

For rooms with an area of ​​more than 36 m 2, air exchange is proposed to be calculated from the condition of assimilation of heat and moisture emissions.

  • MGSN 4.10-97 "Buildings of banking institutions." The air exchange rate is 2.0 h-1 (the area of ​​the room for 1 person is 6 m 2), that is, the air exchange with a room height of 3 m is 36 m 3 / hr.
  • SNiP 31-05-2003 "Public buildings for administrative purposes." Two indicators are indicated here: 20 m 3 / hr. or 4 m 3 / h m 2 (floor space per 1 working 6.5 m 2), i.e., air exchange at a height of 3 m will be 26 m 3 / h person.

The documents refer to SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”, where in all editions after 1982 it is prescribed to provide for air exchange of 60 m 3 / h. for rooms that do not have natural ventilation, and 40 m 3 / h pers. in cases where it is.

ASHRAE Standard 62–1999 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality proposes to accept 36 m 3 / h of air exchange for offices, while the office area is 14.3 m 2 / person. The Standard does not say how to set the amount of air exchange for other values ​​of the density of accommodation of people. With a formal point of view, if we compare the area of ​​14.3 m 2 / person. adopted in, air exchange should be 79.2 m 3 / h pers.

In Standard ABOK-1-2004 “Residential and public buildings. Air exchange norms ”an attempt was made to harmonize domestic norms and norms of the Standard. The AVOK standard was approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia, agreed with the Moscow State Expertise Committee and applies to all premises in which the microclimate parameters are provided in accordance with the requirements of GOST 30494-96. In the standard it is proposed to accept for offices and study rooms, as well as in, air exchange of 60 m 3 / h.

B considers chemical, physical and biological pollutants entering, excreting or forming in a room that can affect air quality.

In particular, following it is noted that the norms of specific air exchange are established in such a way that when the outside air of the required quality is supplied in a sufficient amount, the human bioeffluents are diluted. Bioeffluents are solids, odors and other pollutants common in office space. At the same time, the permissible level of indoor air quality is reached. The criteria for comfort (including odor) with regard to bioeffluents are likely to be met if the air exchange is sufficient to maintain the concentration of carbon dioxide inside the room no more than 1,250 ppm higher than the concentration of carbon dioxide in the outside air.

This provision is a certain “bridge” between the method based on the specific norms of air exchange and the method based on the calculation of permissible concentrations of pollutants.

In ANSI / ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004, 62.1-2007 (these editions of the standard, unlike the previous ones, apply only to public buildings), it is proposed to determine the flow of outdoor air in a serviced area or  air consumption per person will be 31.0 m 3 / hr., which is less than in the previous edition of the standard (36 m 3 / h people.). If we assume that the specific air for 1 m 2   the floor of the room has not changed, the air exchange should be 43 m  3 / hrs.

The structure of the conclusion suggests that the harmful secretions in the room from the person and from the surrounding surfaces, furnishings, equipment, etc., are the same. Their equivalent, apparently, is carbon dioxide, and in the room there are two sources of harmful secretions of different intensity. Differential accounting of harmful emissions from people and the “room itself” seems to be correct, although their quantitative assessment gives rise to certain doubts. Differentiated accounting has an important practical value, since it allows to determine the required air exchange depending on the workload of the room at different periods of the day, for example, during working hours and non-working hours.

An approach the same is also present in the European standard CEN 2005. The difference is in the numerical values ​​of the specific air flow rates in a room per person and per meter. 2   floor room, L and L  2 lot.

Depending on the class of the office, the value of L is varying between 36–14.4 m 3 / h. and, accordingly, Lm 2 is 7.2–2.9 m 3 / m 2.

Thus, the air flow rate per person will be 123.0–50 m 3 / hr. If we assume that the specific air exchange per 1 m 2 of the floor of the room has not changed (relatively), then the air exchange should be 200–82.0 m 3 / hr.

The significant difference between the different conclusions on consumption is explained by the selection of subjects: people were taken, adapted to the air pollution in the room; otherwise, they are not adapted, “fresh” people.

The method based on the calculation of permissible concentrations of pollutants provides that the amount of air necessary for the assimilation of harmful emissions is determined from the material balance equation (Seliverstov equation):

In order to take advantage of the equations, it is necessary to establish what hazards and in what quantity are there in office spacewhat is their concentration in the outside air and what is their MAC; do these harmful substances have the effect of summation of the action, what is the magnitude of the efficiency of air exchange.

Currently, it is considered that the main hazards in office space are human waste products, primarily carbon dioxide. This provision was introduced into the hygienic practice of M. Pettenkofer as early as the nineteenth century. In addition to carbon dioxide, airborne pollutants in office premises are anthropotoxins, as well as harmful emissions contained in the inflowing outdoor air, and harmful emissions from interior elements of the room - enclosing structures, coatings, furnishings, etc. Thus, it becomes obvious that when establishing the necessary air exchange are studies performed by hygienists.

According to the results of hygienic studies conducted in our country, the most accurate data on the optimal air exchange of premises can be obtained on the basis of a direct determination of anthropotoxins - human waste products and other internal sources of pollution (bioeffluents).

The role of anthropotoxins in the formation of air in closed sealed systems is adequately covered only in the specialized literature. It is noted that the presence of a person in hermetically sealed volumes increases the concentration of organic acids, ketone, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons to the level of their MAC. Naturally, in normal operating conditions of residential and public buildings, accumulation in unpressurized rooms of anthropotoxins to levels capable of causing a clearly expressed toxic effect does not occur. However, even relatively low concentrations of large amounts of toxic substances are not indifferent to a person and can affect his health, performance and health.

Our studies have confirmed that the air environment of the premises that are not ventilated or ventilated is insufficient, worsens in proportion to the number of people and the time they stay in the room. Mass spectrometry analysis of indoor air samples made it possible to identify in them a number of toxic substances of 2–4 hazard classes. 20% of detected anthropotoxins belong to the class of highly hazardous substances. Although their concentrations are less than the MPC, however, taken together indicate the unfavorable air environment, since even a two-, four-hour stay in these conditions adversely affects the mental performance of the subjects. The interaction of a complex of substances that are part of anthropotoxins is very difficult, but most of them have a total toxic effect. Therefore, to determine the optimal air exchange, we used the total indicator used to assess the toxicity of gas-air mixtures containing numerous components at the MPC level of each of them. According to some authors, the mixture is considered safe if the sum of the ratios of the detected concentrations of individual ingredients to their maximum permissible concentrations does not exceed one or equal to it.

The total indicator of air pollution was close to unity when feeding 170 m 3 / h per person (if the allowable level of carbon dioxide is taken in K. Flugge 1,000 ppm *) and 210 m 3 / h (if we take as the allowable level of CO 2 in M Pettenkofer - 800 ppm). The weight of carbon dioxide, according to which previously only the calculation of air exchange was carried out, in the total toxicity index does not exceed 20–40%. Therefore, if, when establishing the desired value of the optimal air exchange, to focus only on CO 2, then its required value with an allowable level of carbon dioxide in the indoor air of 1,000 ppm will be about 20 m 3 / h, i.e., almost 8 times less than optimal.

For a comprehensive justification of optimal air exchange, the speed and degree of evacuation of all endogenous pollution resulting from human activity and the maintenance of premises was also studied. These studies, as well as the calculation of air exchange carried out by us, taking into account the need to remove human heat, also showed that the optimum air exchange is about 200 m 3 / hr.

The minimum necessary air exchange was specified by us in natural conditions in the working rooms of an office building with air conditioning.

The results of the air analysis of the premises and the questionnaire of employees showed improvements in air quality and a consistent decrease in the number of complaints of air discomfort with an increase in air supply above 40 m 3 / h, and the number of complaints is 25% and less only with air exchange 60 m 3 / h and more. The assessment of the functional state of the subjects testified that the efficiency of the employees is significantly improved by air exchange of 60–80 m 3 / hr. (R

These data were obtained in relation to the conditions of organized air exchange, which takes place in public buildings.

Summarizing the above data, it should be noted that, so far in practice, it is customary to judge the purity of indoor air and the degree of ventilation by the amount of CO 2. The content of CO 2 equal to 0.1% is currently hygienic regulations. Practically, CO 2 played a positive role and is used to calculate the required air exchange in rooms, serves as a criterion for assessing the cleanliness of room air and the operation of ventilation systems.

The question arises as to whether this rule is justified. M. Pettenkofer proceeded from the idea of ​​using carbon dioxide as an indirect indicator of air pollution of residential and public buildings by volatile products of human metabolism contained in exhaled air, sweat and foul-smelling gases from the surface of his body and clothing. In modern cities, where the main source of CO 2 is often the combustion of fuel, the rate proposed by M. Pettenkofer loses the value of an indirect sanitary indicator. Under these conditions, insisting on its observance would mean reducing the concentration of CO 2 in the external atmosphere, which is associated with extremely expensive measures to reduce CO 2 emissions. This could be done only if it was proved that carbon dioxide itself has an undesirable hygienic effect on humans in concentrations such as 1,000 ppm. Meanwhile, studies on the physiological effects of CO 2 concentrations below 10,000 ppm have shown that undesirable changes in respiratory function are observed when CO 2 is present in concentrations above 5,000 ppm. At a concentration of 500–1,000 ppm, no adverse events are noted. These values ​​are not included in the official MPC regulations, since CO 2 is a natural component of atmospheric air and is only an indicative hygienic regulation.

SP 2.5.1198-03 “Sanitary rules for the organization of passenger transport on the railway transport”, p. 3.4.8. establish the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air of the premises of stations. Concentration in the passenger breathing zone should not exceed 1,000 ppm.

Similar values ​​of the concentration of CO 2 in office space are recommended in foreign literature.

According to Olli Seppa .. nen, if the concentration of carbon dioxide in the office space is below 800 ppm, symptoms such as eye inflammation, nasal congestion, nasopharyngeal inflammation, problems associated with the respiratory system, headache, fatigue and difficulty concentrating employees with more high concentration  CO 2 decreased significantly.

According to Adrie van der Luijt, studies by Middlex University (UK) and office air quality monitoring performed by KLMG showed that the level of carbon dioxide in the office should be 600–800 ppm. In the course of observations conducted with the participation of 300 adults, it was found that a higher level of CO 2 reduces concentration by 30%. At concentrations above 1,500 ppm, 79% of respondents felt fatigued, and at a level above 2,000 ppm, two thirds of them said they were unable to concentrate. 97% of those who suffer from a migraine from time to time stated that they already have a headache at 1,000 ppm.

Measurements in offices and on the streets of Moscow showed that in a number of offices the CO 2 level reached 2,000 ppm or more. The carbon dioxide level on the streets fluctuated in terms of up to 1,000 ppm, but measurements were not made on the most dysfunctional days, in terms of the climate.

A high concentration of CO 2 is one of the main causes of the “sick building” syndrome. The loss of a large government office (2,500 employees) due to poor air quality at 1990 prices amounted to £ 400,000.

British scientist D.S. Robertson writes in Current Science, Vol. 90, No. 12, 06.25.2006: “When the concentration of CO 2 is 600 ppm in the room, people begin to feel signs of deterioration in air quality. When the CO 2 concentration rises above this level, some people begin to experience one or more of the classic symptoms of carbon dioxide poisoning, such as breathing problems, rapid pulse, headache, hearing loss, hyperventilation, sweating, fatigue. "

The concentration of CO 2 in atmospheric air was approximately in the mid-1960s:

  • 360 ppm - in small settlements;
  • 440 ppm - in medium cities;
  • 550 ppm - in large cities.

According to Appendix C, it is proposed to take a CO 2 concentration in atmospheric air of 300–500 ppm.

When working in an institution, a person allocates 0.023 m 3 / hr. carbon dioxide .

B, Appendix D, gives the value of CO 2 emissions by a person during quiet sitting work - 0.019 m 3 / hr. It also indicates that the amount of CO2 emissions depends on the human diet. With preferential consumption of carbohydrates, CO2 emissions will be 0.022 m 3 / hr. Both values ​​and practically coincide.

Now all the basic data are available for calculating the required air exchange on the basis of the calculation of permissible concentrations of pollutants, at least for carbon dioxide pollution. If we use equation (2), the specific value of air exchange will differ significantly from the location of the building and the accepted value of the MPC. For MPC, at 1,000 ppm, the air exchange will be:

  • in small settlements - 36 m 3 / h p .;
  • in medium-sized cities - 41 m 3 / h;
  • in large cities - 51 m 3 / h people, if the concentration of CO 2 in the outside air is adopted in accordance with, which is close to the recommendations.

The value of air exchange (for a large city) is almost 2 times higher than the recommendations. The proposed method for determining air exchange in the ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004, 62.1-2007 is doubtful.

  1. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the room with air exchange at 31 m 3 / h, emissions from a person 23 l / h and snr = 0.5 l / m 3 will be 1 240 ppm, which exceeds the recommended values, even without taking into account harmful emissions from the room itself ".
  2. As far as we know, in an interview with Professor Bjarne W. Olesen, Director of the International Center for Air Quality and Energy Saving, the air exchange rates recommended in the standard are not based on objective human physiological reactions, but are obtained by statistical sampling among people adapted to the internal air environment (number satisfied - 80%).

In addition, it becomes obvious that with large pollution of the surface layer of atmospheric air, which takes place in megacities, air exchange sharply increases. This circumstance makes senseless inflow of outside air. Output - the use of carbon dioxide absorber, rational placement of the air intake, controlled ventilation systems (with variable air flow or working periodically during periods of minimal pollution of the atmosphere).

The study of air pollution in the design of a high-rise building “Commerzbank” in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, showed that at the height of the 10th floor air pollution is minimal.

Design optimal schemes  and modes of operation ventilation systemthat take into account the actual pollution of the indoor and outdoor air, for example, the CO 2 sensor, the occupancy of the room by staff, the volume of the room (all these factors are easily taken into account, if you use equation (2)), will significantly reduce the operating flow of ventilation air and solve the problem of efficient energy consumption without deterioration of air quality.

From the medical-hygienic position it is important to take into account that a violation of the natural composition of the atmospheric air or its contamination by unwanted harmful toxic substances causes a number of pathophysiological changes in the human body. To prevent these processes, it is necessary to control the quality of the air environment for all ingredients, not just CO 2, and the effectiveness of the ventilation devices. The most complete picture of the quality parameters of the air environment of closed rooms should be obtained using a comprehensive assessment of the environment, for which, in addition to the traditional study of carbon dioxide content, it is advisable to study:

a) metabolic products of the human body;

b) toxic emissions from building materials;

c) dustiness;

d) bacterial contamination;

e) ion mode of the premises.

The establishment of optimal parameters of the air environment has become particularly important in recent years due to the need to provide people with comfortable living conditions and the development of advanced air-conditioning systems. This is quite a challenge, since a person is constantly exposed to a number of factors of the air environment, which are mentioned above, but thanks to scientific and technical progress, it is possible, regardless of weather, atmospheric and anthropogenic conditions, to provide optimal parameters for a person.

Since human activity aimed at creating an artificial air environment is extremely important nowadays, at the present stage it is necessary to combine the efforts of ecologists, hygienists, and engineers for further in-depth work in the field of optimizing the indoor air environment using modern technology, taking into account previous and new research.


  1. SNiP 41-01-2003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning."
  2. ASHRAE 62–1999 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.
  3. Standard AVOK-1-2004 "Residential and public buildings. Air exchange rates.
  4. SNiP 2.09.04-87 "Administrative and residential buildings."
  5. GN “Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPC) of Pollutants in the Ambient Air of Populated Areas”.
  6. MGSN 4.10-97 "Buildings of banking institutions."
  7. SNiP 31-05-2003 "Public buildings for administrative purposes."
  8. GOST 30494-96 “Residential and public buildings. The parameters of the microclimate in the premises.
  9. ASHRAE 62.1-2004, 62.1-2007 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.
  10. Ventilation Systems. Edited by Hazim D. Awbi. London and New York. 2008
  11. A. N. Seliverstov. Ventilation of factory premises. T.1. NKTP USSR. ONTI. - M, Gosstroyizdat, 1934.
  12. Yu. D. Gubernsky. Hygienic aspects of ensuring optimal conditions for the internal environment of residential and public buildings. Abstract doctoral dissertation. - M., 1976.
  13. O.V. Eliseeva. To the substantiation of the MPC of carbon dioxide in the air // Hygiene and Sanitation. - 1964. - № 8.
  14. JV 2.5.1198-03 "Sanitary rules for the organization of passenger traffic on the railway transport".
  15. Olli Seppa..nen. Tuottava toimisto 2005. Raportti b77. Loppuraportti 2005.
  16. Adrie van der Luijt. Director of Finance online. 11.19.2007.
  17. Reference book on heat supply and ventilation in civil engineering. - Kiev: Gosstroyizdat USSR, 1959.

9. Hygienic requirements for ventilation of various rooms. Air Cube Air exchange rates.

How much air does a person need for a normal existence?

Ventilation of rooms ensures timely removal of excess carbon dioxide, heat, moisture, dust, harmful substances, in general, the results of various household processes and stay in the room of people.

Types of ventilation.

1) Natural.Lies in natural air exchange  between by
  space and the external environment due to the difference in temperature of the internal and
  air, wind and so on.

Natural ventilation can be:

  1. 1. Unorganized (by filtering air through the slots)
  2. Organized by (through open windows, windows, etc.) - airing

2) Artificial.

  1. 1. Inlet - artificial supply of outdoor air into the room.
  2. Exhaust - artificial exhaust air from the room.
  3. Supply and exhaust - artificial inflow andexhaust hood. Intake of air occurs through the inlet chamber, where it is heated, filtered and removed through ventilation.

General principle of ventilationthing is

  • AT dirtyindoor must prevail exhaust hood (to prevent spontaneous intake of dirty air into neighboring rooms)
  • AT cleanindoor must prevail influx (so that they do not receive air from dirty rooms).

How to determine how much clean air should enter the room per person per hour so that ventilation is sufficient?

The amount of air that must be supplied to the room for one person per hour is called volume of ventilation.

is hecan be determined by humidity, temperature, but most accurately determined by carbon dioxide.


The air contains 0.4%<■ углекислого газа. Как уже упоминалось, для помещений, требующих высокого уровня чистоты (палаты, операционные), допускается содержание углекислого газа в воздухе не более 0.7 /~ в обыч­ных помещениях допускается концентрация до 1 Л«.

When people are in the room, the amount of carbon dioxide increases. One person supplies approximately 22.6 liters of carbon dioxide per hour. How much air must be supplied per person per hour so that these 22.6 liters are diluted so that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air of the room does not exceed 0.7% ° or 1 /<.. ?

Each liter of air supplied to the room contains 0.4% ° carbon dioxide, that is, each liter of this air contains 0.4 ml of carbon dioxide andthus, it can still "take" 0.3 ml (0.7 - 0.4) for clean rooms (up to 0.7 ml per liter or 0.7 / ~) and 0.6 ml (1 - 0.4) for ordinary rooms (up to 1 ml per liter or 1 / ~) .

Since every hour 1 person makes 22.6 liters (22,600 ml) of carbon dioxide, and each liter of supplied air can “accept” the above number of ml of carbon dioxide, the number of liters of air that must be supplied to the premises per person per hour is

1) For clean rooms (wards, operating rooms) - 22600 / 0.3 = 75000 l = 75 m 3. That is, 75 m 3 of air per person per hour must go into the room so that the concentration of carbon dioxide in it does not exceed 0.7%*

2) For ordinary premises- 22600 / 0.6 = 37000 l = 37 m 3. That is, 37 mair per person per hour should go into the room, so that the concentration of carbon dioxide in it does not exceed .

If there is more than one person in the room, then these numbers are multiplied by the number of people.

Above it was explained in detail how the value of the ventilation volume is located directly on specific figures, in general it is not difficult to guess that the general formula looks like this:

B = (K * M) / (P - P0 = (22.6 l * 14) / (P - 0.4%.)

B - the volume of ventilation (m)

K - amount of carbon dioxide exhaled by a person per hour (l)

N - the number of people in the room

P - the maximum allowable content of carbon dioxide in the room (/ ")

According to this formula, we calculate the required volume of air supplied (the necessary amount of ventilation). In order to calculate the real volume of air that is supplied to the premises per hour (real volumeventilation)need in the formula instead of P (MPC of carbon dioxide - 1 / C 0.7 U) to substitute the actual concentration of carbon dioxide in this room in ppm:

^ real-

- (22.6 l * 14) / ([C0 2] fact - 0.4 / ~)

L real - real volume of ventilation

[FACT SHEET - actual carbon dioxide content in the room

To determine the "carbon dioxide concentration", the Sub-Botin-Nagorsky method is used (based on reducing the caustic Ba titer, most accurate), the Reberg method (also using caustic Ba, the express method), the Prokhorov method, the photocolorimetric method, etc.

Another quantitative characteristic of ventilation directly related to the volume of ventilation is ventilation rate.The ventilation rate shows how many times an hour the air in the room is fully exchanged.

Ventilation rate -The volume of ingested (recoverable 4) in chag. furiousi

The volume of the room.

Accordingly, to calculate for this room necessaryventilation rate you need to substitute this formula in the numerator neobthe amount of ventilation required.And in order to find out what real multiplicity ventilation indoors in the formula is substituted real volume of ventilation(calculation see above).

The ventilation rate can be calculated according to the inflow (multiplicity of the inflow), then the volume of air supplied per hour is substituted into the formula and the value is indicated with a (+) sign, or it can be calculated according to the hood (frequency ratio of exhaust), then the volume of air extracted per hour is substituted and the value is indicated with a (-) sign.

For example, if the operating frequency of ventilation in the operating room is designated as +10, -8, then this means that every hour the room receives tenfold, and eightfold volume of air is extracted relative to the volume of the room.

There is such a thing as an air cube.

Air cube- this is the amount of air required per person.

Air cube rateis 25-27 m. But as it was calculated above for one person per hour, an air volume of 37 m is required, that is, at a given rate of air cube (a given volume of the room,) necessaryair change rateis 1.5 (37 m / 25 m = 1.5).


It remains to recall such a small detail, for the sake of which the house is being built - these are the tenants. For the life of people need fresh air, which must be updated.

And how many cubes of air per hour should be updated in the house? How many cubes really updated per hour in the room where you are now?

There is no single answer to this question.

Formally, in accordance with the Soviet Union SNiP, three meters cubic per hour per square meter, simply put in a normal room with a ceiling height of 2.5 - 3 meters, the air per hour should be updated once!

Is fresh air always needed?

No not always. In rooms where there are no people and there are no technological processes that consume air, air exchange is not needed at all. Why is there air circulation? In the house in conservation mode (at low temperature), it is generally harmful! With the new (fresh) air, rooms can be filled with unnecessary moisture and dust.

And how much breathing air does a person need?

“Adults in resting conditions produce an average of 16 to 20 respiratory movements in 1 minute. The volume of each breath is usually about 500ml, hence the minute volume of breathing is 500 * 16 = 8000ml. In a newborn, the respiratory rate is 60-70 breaths per 1 minute, by 5 years it drops to 26, and by 15-20 years, to 20 per minute. During work, movement, with fever (in conditions of increased metabolism), the number of respiratory movements per 1 minute increases. Ventilation of the lungs, equal at rest to an average of 8 liters, with heavy physical labor increases 20 times. "

Since at home they do extremely hard physical work, and if they do, it happens that they open the windows wide open, not even for breathing, but to cool down. We assume that at home the rate of breathing can be exceeded, say 3-4 times. So one person uses about 2 m3 of air per hour. Since fresh air mixes with the old one in an unclear ratio, suppose that 20% of air is updated in a cube, it means that one person needs (even with a fourfold supply) 10m3 of air per hour.

The logic suggests that the intensity of air exchange should not depend on the volume of the room (once per hour), but on the number of people in this room. It is one thing a living room with one tenant, another thing, for example, a training class in which there are always more than 30 people. In a bedroom of 30m3, replacing 10m3 / hour is enough - this is 1/3 of the air change in the room. And in a crowded audience, 130m3 and double air exchange per hour will not be enough - for 30 people you need 300m3 of air.

Such considerations are successfully speculated by engineering companies that impose on the naive owners of cottages powerful ventilation and expensive recovery (energy-saving) installations.

How many square meters do you have?

600? Great ... 600m2 area * 3m height = 1800m3 of air. 1800 cubes of air you need to replace in an hour at the request of the SNiP - no less! And this means that in winter (-20 C), 24kW / hour or 576kW per day will be spent on heating such a volume of air per hour.

Almost 600kW per day !!! But….

Well, you do not want to suffocate?

Of course not!

And note that we are not inventing anything, so the SNiP is an official document. Now you understand how badly you need a recovery system that will save you up to 60% of these energy costs, because part of the heat will give the fresh air (thrown out into the street) to fresh air, preheating it! Great!

Wow ...

And this is said at the time, as such a volume of air is really enough for comfortable breathing of 180 people! And in the house that only 4-6 people will live (including the attendants).

Change the air once per hour !!! While the air supply for breathing in a house is 600m2 such that if you breathe the whole family continuously, you can “breathe” it only for two days - 45 hours.

What kind of air exchange occurs in our apartments?

In a typical apartment of 80 m2 with a ceiling height of 2.65 m the volume of the premises is 200 m3. There are 14 flats, connected to a common ventilation duct, and 16 and 22 in other houses. If we assume that all the apartments have a single-hour air exchange, then 2800 m3 of air should come out of the ventilation riser in the case of the ventilation shaft With a cross section of 0.24 m2, this air is a column with a height of 11.6 km. So the air from the ventilation channel should go out at a speed of 11.6 km / h or 3.2 m / s! I climbed onto the roof - the air duct is in perfect order (it is not blocked, as is usually the case), everyone lives in apartments and they don’t regret the air. This flow is not there, even in the mine!

So what really air exchange should be in the cottageBecause we are considering this particular case.

If there is no or slightly environmentally harmful evaporation from objects or other negative factors affecting the air quality in the house, then the fresh air intake (renewal) per person, even with a reserve, should be approximately 10 m3 / h. So for a family (5 people) it will be 50m3 / hour, and what's the difference where this family lives ??? One family lives in a small apartment of 50m2 with a ceiling of 2.5m, and the other family lives in a 1000m2 palace with a ceiling of 3.5m, and according to SNiP it turns out that in the palace you need to change 3500m3 of air every hour ??? Is it that the family, because they live in the palace, will breathe 70 times more ?! Obviously absurd! Such people no longer breathe than ordinary citizens - he saw. Otherwise, it would be necessary to borrow a turbine from a wind tunnel in the town of Zhukovsky to purge (ventilate) the palace, while everyone knows that palaces have always been without turbines and fans since ancient times. The problem is in the concept ...


Industry standard



  with additions and changes

NP "Heating Engineers,
  ventilation, air conditioning
  air, heat supply and
  building thermal physics "
  (NP "ABOK")

Moscow - 2004

The Department of Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification of the Gosstroy of Russia approves and recommends for application the standard NP "AVOK" "Residential and public buildings. Air exchange norms ”(letter No. 9-23 / 667 of September 2, 2002). Moscow City State Expertise Committee recommends the standard NP "ABOK" "Residential and public buildings. Air exchange norms ”for use by designers and all organizations involved in the construction process (letter МГЭ-30/1298 dated August 13, 2002).   Standard AVOK-1-2004. Residential and public buildings. Air exchange rates. - M .: AVOK-PRESS, 2004.  Developed by the creative team of the Non-Profit Partnership "Engineers for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermal Physics" (NP AVOK): E.O. Shilkrot, Cand. tech. Sciences (OJSC "TSNIIPromzdany") - the head; M.M. Brodach, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy)); L.A. Gulabiants, Dr. tech. Sciences (Research Institute of Building Physics RAACS); IN AND. Livchak, Cand. tech. Sciences (Moskomexpertiza); Yu.A. Tabunshchikov, doctor tech. Sciences (Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy)); M.G. Tarabanov, Cand. tech. Sciences (SRC "Invent"). Introduced by the Committee on technical regulation, standardization and certification of NP "AVOK". Approved and put into effect by the resolution of the Bureau of the Presidium of NP “AVOK” dated June 9, 2004. It was introduced instead of AVOK STANDARD-1-2002. Duration - 4 years.


“ABOK Standards” is the name of technical materials in the field of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, heat and cold supply, thermal protection, microclimate of buildings and structures and their elements, presented in the form of regulatory and procedural documents. The name “Standards” is given to them on the basis of the internationality of the content of this term for technical materials, which corresponds to the world practice of developing such documents by professional organizations of a similar profile, for example, ASHRAE, ARI, REHVA, SCANVAC. In Russia, there are names for regulatory documents: GOST “Building Norms and Rules” (SNiP), “Code of rules for design and construction” (SP), which in different languages ​​will have different spelling and sound. In international practice, the name of the technical document “Standard”, as a rule, corresponds to the recommendatory document in the industry. NP AVOK as a professional association of specialists whose main task is to promote the progress of the industry, develops AVOK standards with the aim of raising the level of design, construction and operation with a focus on the use of modern technologies in heating and ventilation technology by: - ​​improving the quality of the microclimate of buildings; - increase the energy efficiency of buildings; - harmonization of the domestic regulatory framework with progressive international standards. The training system for each ABOK standard includes two stages: 1. Introduction to the use of "temporary" standard with a validity of 1 year. During this period, its approbation, the collection of comments and suggestions and the preparation of a standard with a validity of 4 years. 2 Introduction to the use of the standard with a validity of 4 years, its further improvement and reissue. In the development of standards and their further use, NP AVOK was approved by the Directorate of Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification of the Gosstroy of Russia, Moscow City Architecture Committee, Moscow State Expertise, as well as other regional organizations interested in using such documents. After a year of approbation with a positive opinion on the possibility of their use, the ABOK standards are submitted to the appropriate organizations for approval and granting them regional or federal status. Standards AVOK apply to the scope of the NP "AVOK", as well as other areas of construction. AVOK standards relate to the design, construction, testing, operation, certification of systems and equipment for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, heat and cold supply, thermal protection, microclimate of buildings and structures and their elements. NP AVOK actively participates in the development of international regulatory and procedural documents and pursues a policy of adapting these documents for Russian conditions, if it is economically and practically feasible.





The main indicators of the air-thermal comfort of the premises are the composition and cleanliness of the air (air quality) and the parameters of the microclimate provided by the systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Indoor air quality depends on many factors: outdoor air quality; the presence of sources of pollution in the room, the power and location of these sources; the method and design of the system of ventilation and air conditioning, control methods and quality of operation of this system, etc. Indoor air must not contain pollutants in concentrations that are hazardous to human health or cause discomfort. Such contaminants include various gases, vapors, microorganisms, tobacco smoke, and some aerosols, such as dust. Pollutants can enter the premises along with the outside supply air, from sources of pollutants in the room, including waste products of people, technological processes, furniture, carpets, building and decorative materials. The current standards for air quality (SNiP 41-01-2003, industry-specific SNiP, VSN and SN, documents of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the Russian Federation (Appendix 1, paragraphs 1-13)) contain incomplete and sometimes contradictory data. There are a number of foreign standards, European and American (Appendix 1, paragraphs 4 - 17), relating to air quality, including the ASHRAE standard (American Association of Heating, Cooling, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Engineers), developed in 1999 (adj. 1 p. 14). In developing this standard, domestic and foreign standards were used. ASHRAE 62-1999 “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality” standard is used as a prototype as the most complete and reflecting the results of the latest research in the field of air quality. The standard proposes two methods for calculating the minimum air exchange rates sufficient to ensure acceptable air quality in a room: - a technique based on specific air exchange rates, the domestic analogue of which is the calculation of the flow rate of intake air according to normalized multiplicity and specific flow rate (adj. M SNiP 41-01- 2003, industry-specific SNiP, BCH and SN); - method based on the calculation of permissible concentrations of pollutants, the domestic analogue of which is the calculation of the flow of sugary air by the mass of harmful substances (adj. SNiP 41-01-2003). The standard attempts to harmonize domestic norms and norms of the standard ASHRAE 62-1999. The application of the standards does not impair the quality of indoor air and does not contradict the current regulatory documents. The standard allows you to optimize the amount of air exchange in the outdoor air in rooms depending on the specific conditions of use. In the second edition of the standard, the norms of minimum air exchange in the premises of residential buildings are specified during periods when the premises are not used; the minimum air exchange rates in public buildings are presented in a more convenient form; values ​​of maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of radioactive gases (radon, thoron) are given; eliminated inaccuracies that were present in the first edition. The standard is intended for engineers who design and operate ventilation and air conditioning systems.

1 area of ​​use

1.1. This standard establishes the minimum air exchange rate for outdoor air (outdoor air consumption rate), which ensures the necessary cleanliness (quality) of air in the serviced premises and its minimum possible adverse effect on human health. Minimum air exchange rates are not calculated. 1.2. The air quality in the premises should be ensured regardless of the adopted ventilation system and air exchange organization scheme. 1.3. This standard applies to all premises that may be occupied by people in residential and public buildings, with the exception of premises for which other regulatory documents or special conditions require more air exchange than that specified in this standard. 1.4. This standard applies to all premises in which microclimate parameters are provided in accordance with the requirements of GOST 30494-96, SNiP 31-01-2003 "Multi-residential residential buildings", SNiP 2.08.02-89 * "Public buildings and structures", SNiP 31- 05-2003 “Public administrative buildings”, MGSN 3.01-01 “Residential buildings”. 1.5. This standard considers chemical, physical and biological pollutants entering, excreting or forming in a room that can affect air quality. 1.6. This standard does not consider such factors affecting a person’s perception of air quality as: - unidentified and unexplored pollutants; - the difference in susceptibility of different people, psychological stress, etc. 1.7. The standard offers two methods for calculating the minimum norms of air exchange, sufficient to ensure that the room air has an acceptable quality: 1.7.1. Method based on specific norms of air exchange. The required air quality is ensured by supplying a certain amount of outside air into the room, depending on the purpose of the room and its mode of operation. This technique is recommended to be used to calculate the amount of air exchange in rooms in which, as a rule, it is not intended to change their purpose, size or nature of the pollutants entering the room during operation. 1.7.2. Method based on the calculation of permissible concentrations of pollutants. The required air quality is ensured by supplying a certain amount of outside air into the room, depending on the size and nature of the pollutants in the room. This technique is recommended to be used to calculate the amount of air exchange in rooms that can change their purpose and / or mode of operation during operation, in which intense sources of pollutants and the like may appear or appear. The project documentation should indicate which of the methods used in the calculation of air exchange.

2. Normative references

  Normative references are given in Appendix. one.

3. Terms and definitions

  Terms and definitions referenced in the text are given in Appendix. 2

4. General technical requirements

4.1. The minimum required air exchange sufficient to maintain the required air quality in the serviced areas of the premises should be provided with a system of natural or mechanical ventilation (air conditioning) by supplying outside air and removing air that has assimilated pollutants in the rooms. 4.2. The required air quality in the serviced areas of the premises should be ensured in all modes of use of the premises and the corresponding modes of operation of the ventilation systems. 4.3. The supply of outside air into the room is not necessary if the room is not used and there are no sources of pollution that are not related to the presence of people and their activities (for example, pollution caused by building materials, furnishing items, etc.). 4.4. The scheme of the organization of air exchange in the premises should ensure the distribution of supply air, which prevents its entry through areas with large pollution to areas with less pollution. 4.5. Rooms equipped with exhaust systems (kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, rooms for smoking, etc.) can be used to compensate for the exhaust air through the air supplied through adjacent rooms. The air quality must meet the requirements of table. one . 4.6.   Stationary local sources of harmful emissions should, as a rule, be equipped with local suction. 4.7. The calculated air exchange in the premises should be taken as the larger of the flow rates of the intake and exhaust air in any mode of use of the premises. 4.8. Outdoor air intakes and emissions exhaust air  should be arranged in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 41-01-2003. 4.9. The materials and design of the ventilation ducts and chambers should minimize conditions conducive to the growth and spread of microorganisms through the ventilation system. The design of the ventilation system must comply with the requirements of SNiP 41-01-2003.

5. Methods for determining air exchange rates

5.1. Method based on specific norms of air exchange.

This method establishes: - permissible outdoor air quality, determined by the MPC value of pollutants in the outdoor air; - ways to treat outside air if necessary; - norms of specific air exchange in the premises of residential and public buildings; - modes of operation of ventilation systems (air conditioning) at variable loads and / or with occasional use of the premises. 5.1.1. The concentration of harmful substances in the outdoor (atmospheric) air used for ventilation (air conditioning) should not exceed the MPC in the air of populated areas. The MAC values ​​should be taken in accordance with GN, GN, GN, GN, GN, GN The MPC values ​​of pollutants most frequently present in the atmospheric air are presented in Table. 1. With the joint presence in the air of several harmful substances with a summation of the action, the sum of their relative concentrations, calculated using the following formula, should not exceed 1:

Here C i is the concentration of the i -th pollutant in the outside air, mg / m 3. 5.1.2. If the level of external air pollution exceeds the figures given in table. 1, it is necessary to clean it. In cases where existing cleaning technologies do not allow for the required cleanliness of the outside air, a short-term reduction in the amount of outside air is allowed (for example, during rush hours on roads).

Table 1

  Maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in the air of populated areas


MAC in the outside air, q H MAC, mg / m 3

maximum one-time

average daily

   Nitrogen Dioxide
   Non-toxic dust
   Sulfurous anhydride
   Hydrocarbons (benzene)
   Carbon oxide
   Carbon dioxide*:
   populated area (village)
   small towns
   big cities
* MPC for carbon dioxide is not standardized, this value is a reference. 5.1.3. The room will be provided with permissible air quality if it complies with the established norms of specific air exchange (Tables 2 and 3). Notes: 1. If it is known or assumed that there are unusual pollutants or their sources in the room, the amount of air exchange should be established using a methodology based on the calculation of permissible concentrations of pollutants. 2 In tab. 2 and 3 are the norms of specific air exchange in m 3 / h per person or m 3 / h × m 2 of the room. In most cases, the amount of pollutants is taken in proportion to the number of people in the room. In cases when specific air exchange rates are presented in m 3 / h × m 2 and it is known that the number of people in the room differs from the “standard” value, the air exchange rate per person should be used for the expected number of people in the room. 3 Specific air exchange rates in the table. 2 and 3 for the premises presented in them are installed in such a way that when the outside air is supplied of the required quality, human bio-fluents (solid particles, odors and other pollutants common to the premises represented in them) are diluted, and an acceptable level of indoor air quality is reached. The criteria for comfort (including odor) with regard to bio-fluxes are likely to be met if the air exchange is sufficient to maintain the concentration of carbon dioxide inside the room no more than 1250 mg / m 3 higher than the concentration of carbon dioxide in the outside air. four . Specific air exchange rates cannot be reduced when using recirculated air. five . The specific air exchange rates (Tables 2 and 3) determine the need for outdoor air in the premises occupied by people under air exchange organization schemes that ensure good mixing of air in the room (air exchange efficiency ratio TO  q = 1). For schemes with TO  q\u003e 1, as a rule, this is possible when air is supplied to a serviced area of ​​public buildings through floor perforated air distributors; a technique should be applied based on the calculation of permissible concentrations of pollutants (paragraph 5.2). 6 A possible scheme of the organization of air exchange in the apartment and options for its calculation are presented in the reference annex. 3

table 2

  Minimum air exchange rates in residential buildings 1)


Air exchange rate 2)


   Living sector The air exchange rate is 0.35 h -1, but not less than 30 m 3 / h × person.    To calculate the air flow (m 3 / h), the volume of the premises should be determined by the total area of ​​the apartment.
   3 m 3 / m 2 of residential premises, if the total area of ​​the apartment is less than 20 m 2 / person.    Apartments with air-tight enclosing structures require additional air flow for fireplaces (by calculation) and mechanical extracts
   Kitchens    60 m 3 / h with an electric stove    Supply air can come from living quarters 3)
   90 m 3 / h with a 4-burner gas stove
   Bathrooms, toilets    25 m 3 / h from each room    Also
   50 m 3 / h with combined bathroom
   Laundry room    Air exchange rate 5 h -1 "
   Dressing room, pantry "
   Heat generator room (outside the kitchen)    Air exchange rate 1 h -1 "
  1) The concentration of harmful substances in the outdoor (atmospheric) air should not exceed the MPC in the air of populated areas. 2) At the time when the room is not used, the rate of air exchange should be reduced to the following values: in the residential area - to 0.2 h -1; in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, line-by-line, dressing room, pantry - up to 0.5 h -1. 3) If the supply air enters directly into the premises of the kitchen, bathroom or toilet, it should not be allowed to flow into the living space.

Table 3

  Minimum air exchange rates in public buildings


Air exchange rate


   Food enterprises
   A restaurant:

20 m 3 / h × person.

   Avant hall

20 m 3 / h × person.

   Dining room without smoking

40 m 3 / h × person.

   Dining room with smoking

100 m 3 / h × person

   Dining room without smoking

30 m 3 / h × person.

   Children's cafe:
   Dining room

20 m 3 / h × person.

   Room for games

30 m 3 / h × person.

   Dining rooms:
   Dining room

20 m 3 / h × person.

   Halls without smoking

40 m 3 / h × person.

   Smoking rooms

100 m 3 / h × person

   Non-smoking hotel room living room

60 m 3 / h × room.

   Number is used

10 m 3 / h × room.

   Number not used
   Living room of a hotel room with smoking

100 m 3 / h × room.

   Number is used

20 m 3 / h × room.

   Number not used
   Combined bathroom of a hotel room

120 m 3 / h × room.

   Bathroom is used

20 m 3 / h × room.

   Bathroom is not used
   Conference rooms

30 m 3 / h × room.

   Halls for concerts and balls

30 m 3 / h × room.

   No smoking casino

40 m 3 / h × room.

   Smoking casino

100 m 3 / h × room.

   Work room

60 m 3 / h × person.


60 m 3 / h × person.

   Reception room

40 m 3 / h × person.

   Negotiation room

40 m 3 / h × person.

   Meeting rooms

30 m 3 / h × person.

   Corridors and halls

75 m 3 / h × person


100 m 3 / h × person

   The shops

30 m 3 / h × person.

   Overground rooms

20 m 3 / h × person.


20 m 3 / h × people, but not less than 0.5 h -1

   Fitting rooms

30 m 3 / h × person.


20 m 3 / h × person.

   Loading and unloading facilities

20, but not less than 0.5 h -1


30 m 3 / h × person.

   Air exchange requirements may be dictated by the need to create conditions that are optimal for plant growth and development.
   Pet shops

30 m 3 / h × person.

   Requirements for air exchange may be dictated by the need to create conditions for zoological requirements.
   Clothes, fabrics, shoes

30 m 3 / h × person.

   Household goods, furniture, carpets

30 m 3 / h × person.

   Air exchange requirements may be dictated by the need to remove technological hazards.

40 m 3 / h × person.

   Beauty Salons

60 m 3 / h × person.


20 m 3 / h × person.

   Ticket Office

30 m 3 / h × person.


30 m 3 / h × person.

   Scenes and make-up rooms

30 m 3 / h × person.

   To eliminate the effects of certain stage effects (for example, dry steam, fog, etc.) special ventilation is required.
   Educational institutions
   Classes for students 1 - 4 classes

20 m 3 / h × person.

   Classes for students in grades 5-11

30 m 3 / h × person.


40 m 3 / h × person.


30 m 3 / h × person.


40 m 3 / h × person.

   Health institutions

50 m 3 / h × person.


60 m 3 / h × person.

   Air pollution procedures may require higher rates.
   Operating theaters

80 m 3 / h × person.


80 m 3 / h × person.


60 m 3 / h × person.

   Correctional facilities

30 m 3 / h × person.

   Dining rooms

20 m 3 / h × person.

   Security rooms

30 m 3 / h × person.

  Fig. one  . Maximum allowed ventilation lag time

Example: air flow - 60 m 3 / h × person; room volume - 30 m 3 / person; permissible delay time of ventilation - 0.6 h.

5.1.4. Rooms equipped with exhaust systems (kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, rooms for smoking, etc.) can be used to compensate for the exhaust air through the air supplied through adjacent rooms. The air quality must meet the requirements of table. one .

  Fig. 2  . The minimum required ventilation time before filling the room

Example: air flow - 30 m 3 / h × person; volume of the room - 3.5 m 3 / person; allowable delay time of ventilation - 0.5 h.

5.1.5. The supply of outside air into the room is not necessary if the room is not used and there are no sources of pollution that are not related to the presence of people and their activities (for example, pollution caused by building materials, furnishing items, etc.). 5.1.6. If the pollution of the room is associated only with the presence of people and their activities, which do not pose a health hazard in the short term, the supply of outside air may be lagging behind in time from the start of using the room. The time lag, the time lag can be determined by the schedule in Fig. 1. 5.1.7. If the pollution of the room is due to the presence of sources of pollution in it that are not related to the presence of people and their activities, the flow of outside air should precede the use of the room. The start time of the outdoor air supply can be determined from the graph in fig. 2. 5.1.8. If the maximum pollution of the room lasts less than 3 hours during the working day, the flow of outside air can be determined by the average value of pollution, but not less than half of the maximum value.

5.2. Method based on the calculation of permissible concentrations of pollutants

  This technique establishes: - Permissible outside air quality; - ways to treat outside air if necessary; - the amount of outside air, depending on the amount of pollutants entering the room. MAC of some pollutants in the serviced area of ​​the premises is presented in Table. 4. 5.2.1. The mass flow rate of pollutants from outside air should be taken as the highest calculated by the formula adj. L SNiP 41-01-2003:


Where   L -   outside air flow rate, m 3 / h;   L  M O is the air flow rate removed from the serviced zone by local suction from equipment, m 3 / h; m PO is the consumption of each pollutant entering the premises, kg / h.

Table 4

Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the serviced area of ​​residential and public buildings

When several pollutants that have a summation of action are taken into the premises at the same time, the outside air flow rate should be equal to the sum of the outside air flow rates calculated for each substance: q O З - maximum permissible concentration of the pollutant in the area served, mg / m 3; q H is the concentration of harmful substances in the outside air, mg / m 3; q UD - the concentration of harmful substances in the exhaust air, mg / m 3. The concentration of harmful substances in the exhaust air should be calculated by the formula

Where K q - coefficient of air exchange efficiency in the room. For schemes of air exchange in a room with a gradient of concentrations of pollutants in height, as a rule, this is possible when air is supplied to the served area of ​​public buildings through floor perforated air distributors (displacing ventilation) K q\u003e 1 and is determined by calculation. An example of the calculation of air exchange in a room is presented in reference appendix. four.

Annex 1

Normative references

one . GOST 30494-96. Residential and public buildings. The parameters of the microclimate in the premises. 2 SNiP 41-01-2003. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. 3 SNiP 31-01-2003. Residential apartment buildings. four . SNiP 2.08.02-89 *. Public buildings and facilities. five . SNiP 31-05-2003. Public buildings of administrative purpose. 6 MGSN 3.01-01. Residential buildings. 7 TR AVOK-4-2004. Technical recommendations on the organization of air exchange in the apartments of a multi-storey residential building. eight . GN, GN, GN The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of populated areas. 9 . GN, GN, GN Estimated safe exposure levels (ESDS) of pollutants in the ambient air of populated areas. ten . GN Hygienic requirements for air quality in populated areas. eleven . GN The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of microorganisms-producers, bacterial preparations and their components in the atmospheric air of populated areas. 12 . HM 113-91. Recommendations for the application of regulatory requirements in the design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems for buildings of various purposes / Mosproekt-1. M., 1992. 13. NRB-99. Radiation safety standards. 14 . ASHRAE 62-1999. ASHRAE Standard. Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. (ASHRAE Standard 62-1999. Ventilation to ensure acceptable air quality.) 15. DIN 1946. Part 2. 1994. Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technical Health Requirements. sixteen . CIBSE Guide A. Revision Section 2. 1993. Environmental Criteria for Design. Chartered Institute of Building Service Engineers. UK 17 CEN prENV 1752. 1996. Ventilation for Buildings: Design Criteria for the Indoor Environment.

Appendix 2

Terms and Definitions

  Bioeffluents  - pollutants from people, domestic animals, birds, etc., such as odor, carbon dioxide, skin particles, hair, etc.   Ventilation  - organized exchange of air in the premises to ensure the parameters of the microclimate and the cleanliness of the air in the serviced area of ​​the premises within acceptable limits.   Natural ventilation  - organized exchange of air in rooms under the action of heat (gravity) and / or wind pressure.   Mechanical ventilation (artificial)  - organized exchange of air in rooms under the action of pressure generated by fans. Outdoor air  - atmospheric air taken in by the ventilation or air conditioning system for supplying to the serviced room and / or entering the serviced room due to infiltration.   Supply air  - air supplied to the room by a ventilation or air conditioning system and entering the serviced room due to infiltration.   Air removed (outgoing)  - air drawn from the room and no longer used in it.   Harmful (polluting) substances  - substances for which the sanitary and epidemiological authorities set the maximum permissible concentration (MAC).   Harmful secretions -  flows of heat, moisture, pollutants entering the room and adversely affecting the parameters of the microclimate and clean air.   Permissible indoor air quality (air purity)  - the composition of the air, in which, in accordance with the definition of authorities, the concentration of known pollutants does not exceed the MPC and to which more than 80% of the people exposed to it do not have a claim.   Permissible microclimate parameters  - combinations of microclimate values, which, with prolonged and systematic effects on a person, can cause general and local discomfort, moderate stress of thermoregulation mechanisms that do not cause injuries or health problems.   Smell  - the sensation that occurs when exposed to gases, liquids, or particles in the air at the receptors of the nasal mucosa.   Infiltration  - unorganized entry of air into the room through leaks in the fences of the building under the influence of heat and / or wind pressure and / or as a result of mechanical ventilation. Concentration is the ratio of the amount (mass, volume, etc.) of a single component to the amount (mass, volume, etc.) of a mixture of components.   Place of permanent stay of people in the room  - a place where people are more than 2 hours continuously.   Microorganisms  - bacteria, fungi and single-celled.   Room microclimate  - The state of the indoor environment, characterized by the following indicators: air temperature, radiation temperature, speed and relative humidity in the room.   Serviced area (habitat area) - space in the room, bounded by planes parallel to the fence, at a height of 0.1 and 2.0 m above the floor, but no closer than 1.0 m from the ceiling with ceiling heating; at a distance of 0.5 m from the inner surfaces of external walls, windows and heating devices; at a distance of 1.0 m from the distributing surface of the distributors.   Suction local  - a device for trapping hazardous and explosive gases, dust, aerosols and vapors at their places of formation, which is connected to the ducts of local ventilation systems and, as a rule, part of  technological equipment.   Air cleaning -   removal of air pollutants.   A room that does not have emissions of harmful substances  - a room in which harmful substances are emitted into the air in quantities that do not create concentrations that exceed the MAC in the air of the service area.   Room with a permanent stay of people  - a room in which people are at least 2 hours continuously or 6 hours in total during the day.   A room with a massive stay of people  - a room (halls and foyer of theaters, cinemas, meeting rooms, meetings, lecture halls, restaurants, lobbies, cash halls, production halls, etc.) with permanent or temporary stay of people (except for emergencies) numbering more than 1 person. per 1 m 2 of the premises with an area of ​​50 m 2 and more.   Air recirculation  - mixing the room air to the outside air and supplying this mixture to this or other rooms.

Appendix 3


The scheme of the organization and options for calculating the air in the apartment

  Variants of calculation of air exchange Total area of ​​the apartment F total = 95 m 2. Living area F lived = 60 m 2. Apartment volume V = 280 m 2. Kitchen with 4-ring electric hob. one . The apartment is inhabited by 5 people (population 95/5 = 19 m 2 / person.<   L   lived one   L   lived five  (according to the standard) = 3 × 60 = 180 m 3 / h. b) exhaust volume:   L  kitchens = 60 m 3 / h;   L  bath = 25 m 3 / h;   L  toilets = 25 m 3 / h;   L  treasure = 10 m 3 / h;   L  wash = 20 m 3 / h;   L   L  Nar = 180 m 3 / h. Estimated exhaust air flow   L  Vyt = 1 80 m 3 / h.

  The scheme of the organization of air in the apartment

2 4 people live in the apartment (population 100/4 = 25 m 2 / person\u003e 20 m 2 / person). a) Volume of inflow:   L  lived one   (by multiplicity) = 280 × 0.35 = 98 m 3 / h;   L  lived four   (according to the standard) = 30 × 4 = 120 m 3 / h. b) exhaust volume:   L  delete S = 140 m 3 / h. Minimum supply air flow should be taken.   L   L = 140 m 3 / h. 3 2 people live in the apartment (population 100/2 = 50 m 2 / person\u003e 20 m 2 / person). a) Volume of inflow:   L  lived 2 (by multiplicity) = 280 × 0.35 = 98 m 3 / h;   L  lived 2 (by number of residents) = 30 × 2 = 60 m 3 / h. b) exhaust volume:   L  delete S = 140 m 3 / h. Minimum supply air flow should be taken.   L  Estimated Nar = 140 m 3 / h. Estimated exhaust air flow   L  = 140 m 3 / h.

Appendix 4


An example of calculating the air in the room

  Calculate the amount of air exchange in the outdoor air in the room of the school laboratory, with an area of ​​F lab = 40 m 2 .   There are 10 people in the laboratory. The released harmful substance is ozone in the amount of m O 3 = 150 mg / h. The consumption of air removed from the serviced area by local suction from equipment,   L  MO = 200 m 3 / h. The maximum permissible concentration of the pollutant in the serviced zone q O З = 0.1 mg / m 3. The concentration of harmful substances in the outside air q H = 0 mg / m 3. Air exchange efficiency coefficient in the room TO  q = 1. Options for calculating air exchange: 1. According to the method based on specific norms of air exchange (Section 5.1). Air exchange rate according to the table. 3 is 40 m 3 / h × person. Estimated air exchange should be taken   L  Estimated bunker = 40 × 10 = 400 m 3 / h. 2 According to the method based on the calculation of permissible concentrations of pollutants (paragraph 5.2). The amount of ozone removed by local suction, m moo = 90 mg / h. The air flow rate removed from the serviced area by local suction from equipment, L MO = 200 m 3 / h. The amount of ozone removed by the system of general ventilation, m O З = 60 mg / h. Calculation according to the formula of clause 5.2.1:

Minimum supply air flow should be taken.   L  Estimated nar = 600 m 3 / h. The method based on the calculation of permissible concentrations of pollutants is most appropriate for the case under consideration, since there are intense sources of pollutants in the room.
