Snake with a white stripe. I dreamed of a yellow snake - how to correctly interpret according to dream books

Dream Interpretation Yellow Snake

Snakes...The mere mention of them makes you shudder in anticipation of danger. They are amazing and beautiful, striking with their flexibility, speed and variety of species. But on the other hand, just the look and look exudes an invisible but obvious threat.

Why do you dream of a yellow snake? A rather ambiguous sign that has several conflicting interpretations. It has long been an indicator of longevity, good health, and even today this reptile is considered a symbol of medicine. But it is also a sign of sin. He personifies all the vices and temptations before which we are so weak. Famous predictors and psychologists will help you understand why such images appear in dreams.

Features of the yellow reptile

If you dreamed about this reptile, pay attention to some important circumstances. Was she alone, or was there two, three, or even a ball of snakes waiting in her dream? It is also necessary to remember the type, as well as other features.

Type of snake

Close attention should be paid to what species you saw in your dream.

Reptile sizes

Many people are frightened by the very appearance of a reptile, be it huge or even small. What did you happen to see?


I dreamed about a small or large snake

Unfortunately, difficult times are coming, as fate has prepared many trials for you. The dream book notes that a dark period in life will be somehow connected with a person who is very dear to you. Perhaps this will be a protracted illness of a relative, a difficult financial situation for loved ones, or any other situation that makes you experience strong emotions.

However, you should not be angry at your fate. Ultimately, painful troubles and troubles will strengthen you and help you achieve certain heights in a matter that was previously beyond your control. Remember that no matter how big a problem may seem, it will eventually turn into something good.


But why see a small, sometimes even imperceptibly sized snake? This is a call to exercise utmost caution in dealing with your colleagues. In the business sphere, you have reached considerable heights and are highly respected by your superiors. People who work with you are filled with envy and resentment, and will do anything to tarnish your reputation. Try to get ahead of them, calculate the situation in advance and not give unnecessary reasons for new rumors and intrigues.

Number of snakes

How many of them were present in the dream? Remember this nuance, and the dream book will reveal the vague events of the future.

  1. One, two. If you were visited by one single snake or in pairs with someone, you should be prepared for life changes. Yellow, bronze color will bring a lot of wealth, and the dream book notes that it will be very easy money. However, if a reptile bites you, take a closer look at your behavior. Perhaps, in pursuit of large bills, you did not notice how you began to be filled with greed. Greed will not lead to good, so try to be more easy about what you have in this life.
  2. Three. The dream book claims that three golden-colored reptiles mean rebirth, the beginning of something new in life. Be open to new knowledge and changes; soon you will begin to live your days completely differently than you do now. It is likely that on this path you will meet people who will change your worldview and allow you to look at many things in a different light.
  3. A bunch of. Countless multitudes or a tangle of creatures usually visit those people who are confused in themselves and need practical advice. This is also an indicator that you are tormented by your conscience for committing dishonest deeds, especially if in a dream you were bitten by one or another snake. Remember what you have done wrong recently, who has experienced inconvenience from your actions, and immediately correct the situation.

Tsvetkov argued that the yellow reptile that bit you is a symbol of some disagreements with loved ones. However, soon you will be able to find a common language and come to a compromise.

Observer or participant?

Continuing to analyze why such events are dreamed of, it is necessary to note what the role was in the dream.

Be an observer

So, you only had to stand on the sidelines and be a silent witness to the events taking place. What did you happen to see?

Interact with the reptile

Sometimes we get to not only see this yellow creature, but also interact in some way, although the final consequences may be sad. Why do you dream about such actions?

If I ran away from you

  1. Iron. Accidental or intentional contact calls for being careful in your words and actions. A thoughtless whim or whim will lead to big troubles, so try not to be overly spoiled.
  2. Run away. But in the case when it is no longer the snake that is running away from you, but you from it, it is worth thinking about what is bothering you. You are filled with fear, mental anguish and anxiety, although they have no basis. Think about whether your suspiciousness plays a key role here?
  3. Bitten. Mostly we are visited by visions of this nature. However, despite the painfulness of the incident, there is no need to worry. If someone you know owes you a certain amount of money, rest assured that the debt will be repaid in the near future. But if you have recently been experiencing malaise, fatigue and deterioration in health, a bite in your night dreams will help relieve painful symptoms.
  4. Kill. It doesn’t matter whether you happen to kill one, three, countless creatures, because this is a very good sign. Such an action suggests that you will soon be able to overcome your weaknesses, doubts and temptations. Continue moving in the same direction and do not forget that victory will definitely be yours.
  5. There is a snake. If you have eaten this reptile in raw or cooked form, you should pay attention to its health status. At the moment, your body is vulnerable to all sorts of diseases, so you should take care of yourself, especially now.

Freud argued that the snake you admire indicates that you are ready for new experiments in love affairs.

Other interpretations

What do other predictors and psychologists prophesy? Their many years of knowledge and experience will help you understand this multi-valued and mysterious symbol.

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist argued that any vision in which a yellow snake is present cannot bring anything good in real life. Seeing it is a warning about possible dangers that will come from a particular person.

Therefore, it is necessary to exercise maximum caution when communicating with people, especially with those who have recently become acquainted with you.

If the creature had multi-colored scales on a yellow body, then you are too worried about your future. Trying to be far-sighted and prudent, you torture yourself with unnecessary worries and worries.

The case when you tried to kill a cold-blooded creature promises some difficulties that will stand in your way of achieving your goals. If you find the strength to overcome all the hardships, you will be able to enjoy unprecedented success.

Vanga's Dream Book

The famous fortuneteller believed that the appearance of this creature in the arms of Morpheus indicated the presence of hidden enemies that would soon reveal themselves. The outcome of the meeting with him depends on how poisonous the reptile was.

So, if you did not feel any pain, then in real life victory will come to you at an easy price. But the presence of poison indicates that there is a big threat ahead and it is unlikely that in the end it will be possible to emerge victorious.

If a snake bites you, pay attention to how you react to the successes of other people. If you are filled with envy and other unkind feelings, you need to change them to positive emotions or keep the negativity under control. Otherwise, such behavior and reactions may cause you harm.

A snake is an animal of the chordate type, class reptiles, order squamate, suborder snakes (lat. Serpentes). Like all reptiles, they are cold-blooded animals, so their existence depends on the ambient temperature.

Snake - description, characteristics, structure. What does a snake look like?

The body of the snake has an elongated shape and can reach a length of 10 centimeters to 9 meters, and the weight of the snake ranges from 10 grams to more than 100 kilograms. Males are smaller than females, but have a longer tail. The body shape of these reptiles varies: it can be short and thick, long and thin, and sea snakes have a flattened body that resembles a ribbon. Therefore, the internal organs of these scaly animals also have an elongated structure.

The internal organs are supported by more than 300 pairs of ribs, movably connected to the skeleton. The snake's triangular head has jaws with elastic ligaments, which makes it possible to swallow large food.

Many snakes are venomous and use venom as a means of hunting and self-defense. Since snakes are deaf, to navigate in space, in addition to vision, they use the ability to capture vibration waves and thermal radiation. The main information sensor is the forked tongue of the snake, which allows it to “collect information” about the environment using special receptors inside the palate. Snake eyelids are fused transparent films, scales covering the eyes, therefore snakes don't blink and even sleep with their eyes open.

The skin of snakes is covered with scales, the number and shape of which depends on the type of reptile. Once every six months, the snake sheds its old skin - this process is called molting. By the way, the color of the snake can be either monochromatic in species living in the temperate zone, or variegated in representatives of the tropics. The pattern can be longitudinal, transversely circular or spotted.

Types of snakes, names and photographs.

Today, scientists know more than 3,460 species of snakes living on the planet, among which the most famous are adders, sea snakes (not dangerous to humans), pit snakes, pseudopods, which have both lungs, as well as rudimentary remains of the pelvic bones and hind limbs.

Let's look at several representatives of the snake suborder:

King cobra (hamadryad) (lat. Ophiophagus hannah)

The most gigantic poisonous snake on earth. Some representatives grow up to 5.5 m, although the average size of adults usually does not exceed 3-4 m. King cobra venom is a lethal neurotoxin, causing death in 15 minutes. The scientific name of the king cobra literally means “snake eater”, because it is the only species whose representatives feed on snakes of their own kind. Females have an exceptional maternal instinct, constantly guarding the clutch of eggs and completely going without food for up to 3 months. The king cobra lives in the tropical forests of India, the Philippines and the islands of Indonesia. Life expectancy is more than 30 years.

Black mamba (lat. Dendroaspis polylepis)

The African venomous snake, growing up to 3 m, is one of the fastest snakes, capable of moving at a speed of 11 km/h. The highly toxic snake venom causes death in a matter of minutes, although the black mamba is not aggressive and attacks humans only in self-defense. Representatives of the black mamba species received their name due to the black coloration of the oral cavity. The snake's skin is usually olive, green or brown in color with a metallic sheen. It eats small rodents, birds and bats.

Fierce snake (desert taipan) (lat. Oxyuranus microlepidotus)

The most poisonous of land snakes, the venom of which is 180 times stronger than that of a cobra. This species of snake is common in the deserts and dry plains of Australia. Representatives of the species reach a length of 2.5 m. Skin color changes depending on the season: in extreme heat it is straw-colored, when it gets colder it becomes dark brown.

Gaboon viper (cassava) (lat. Bitis gabonica)

The poisonous snake that lives in the African savannas is one of the largest and thickest vipers, up to 2 m long and with a body girth of almost 0.5 m. All individuals belonging to this species have a characteristic, triangular head with small horns located between the nostrils . The Gaboon viper has a calm character, rarely attacking people. It belongs to the type of viviparous snakes, breeds once every 2-3 years, bringing from 24 to 60 offspring.

Anaconda (lat. Eunectes murinus)

The giant (ordinary, green) belongs to the subfamily of boas; in former times the snake was called a water boa. The massive body, 5 to 11 m long, can weigh over 100 kg. The non-venomous reptile is found in low-flow rivers, lakes and creeks of the tropical part of South America, from Venezuela to the island of Trinidad. It feeds on iguanas, caimans, waterfowl and fish.

Python (lat. Pythonidae)

A representative of the family of non-venomous snakes, it is distinguished by its gigantic size, ranging from 1 to 7.5 m in length, with females being much larger and more powerful than males. The range extends throughout the eastern hemisphere: tropical forests, swamps and savannas of the African continent, Australia and Asia. The diet of pythons consists of small and medium-sized mammals. Adults swallow leopards, jackals and porcupines whole, and then digest them for a long time. Female pythons lay eggs and incubate the clutch, by contracting muscles, increasing the temperature in the nest by 15 -17 degrees.

African egg snakes (egg eaters) (lat. Dasypeltis scabra)

Representatives of the snake family that feed exclusively on bird eggs. They live in savannas and woodlands of the equatorial part of the African continent. Individuals of both sexes grow no more than 1 meter in length. The movable bones of the snake's skull make it possible to open its mouth wide and swallow very large eggs. In this case, the elongated cervical vertebrae pass through the esophagus and, like a can opener, rip open the eggshell, after which the contents flow into the stomach, and the shell is coughed up.

Radiant snake (lat. Xenopeltis unicolor)

Non-venomous snakes, the length of which in rare cases reaches 1 m. The reptile received its name for the rainbow tint of its scales, which are dark brown in color. Burrowing snakes live in the loose soils of forests, cultivated fields and gardens in Indonesia, Borneo, the Philippines, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and China. Small rodents and lizards are used as food items.

Worm-shaped blind snake (lat. Typhlops vermicularis)

Small snakes, up to 38 cm long, resemble earthworms in appearance. Absolutely harmless representatives can be found under stones, melons and watermelons, as well as in thickets of bushes and on dry rocky slopes. They feed on beetles, caterpillars, and their larvae. The distribution area extends from the Balkan Peninsula to the Caucasus, Central Asia and Afghanistan. Russian representatives of this species of snake live in Dagestan.

Where do snakes live?

The distribution range of snakes does not include only Antarctica, New Zealand and the islands of Ireland. Many of them live in tropical latitudes. In nature, snakes live in forests, steppes, swamps, hot deserts and even in the ocean. Reptiles lead an active lifestyle both during the day and at night. Species living in temperate latitudes hibernate in winter.

Seeing snakes in a dream is a bad sign.

Snakes in a dream mean our enemies and envious people, rivals (and more often rivals), cunning and deceitful people. Sometimes a dream about snakes predicts illness.

If the snake is calm in a dream, then avoid conflicts and risky ventures.

If she is aggressive or wiggling, then you are in danger from enemies who hate you.

Try to take the necessary precautions.

A snake baring its teeth at you in a dream is a sign that someone wants to take revenge on you for an insult.

If you dream that a snake has wrapped itself in a ring around you and is ready to attack, then your situation is irreparable. You are completely at the mercy of your enemies. Try to free yourself from the snake in your dream. In life, this will help you get out of serious trouble.

If a snake bites you, beware of an accident. Be extremely careful.

A dream in which you saw a snake bite someone else means that your friend will suffer from your actions.

Fighting a snake in a dream is a sign of danger. Beware of enemies and illness. If your conscience is not clear, you face imprisonment.

A dream in which you saw how a small snake turns into a huge snake ready to attack you means a great danger that you did not see at the very beginning.

If in a dream you manage to avoid meeting him and save yourself, then in life you will pass a difficult test with honor, overcome all the obstacles prepared by your enemies and literally come out unscathed. Sometimes such a dream is attributed to illness.

Holding a snake in your hands in a dream is a harbinger of a quick and successful victory over your ill-wishers. Sometimes such a dream predicts to you that a loved one may betray you. Especially if the snake changes its behavior or color while you are holding it.

A dream in which you saw an acquaintance or friend with snakes visible from behind your back warns: beware of a conspiracy against you.

If in a dream the snakes are obedient to this person, then in life you will have a powerful intercessor who will protect you from troubles.

If you dream of children playing with a snake, then you should take better care of them so that they do not fall into bad company. Otherwise they are in great danger.

The same thing means a dream in which you are trying to protect a child from a snake. But such a dream also warns you that you should take a closer look at your business partners. Some of them may betray you.

Killing a snake in a dream is a sign of victory over a formidable enemy, the fulfillment of a desire and great honors.

A dead snake in a dream is a sign that you blindly trust people and they enjoy your trust. Sometimes such a dream tells you that some danger has passed.

If you are bitten by a dead snake in a dream, then hypocrisy will upset you, and your enemies will triumph.

Seeing a viper in a dream and handling it quite normally foreshadows that you will enter into an arranged marriage, but will not be happy. If you dream that a viper scared you, then beware of the enemy’s revenge.

A dream in which you saw that a snake was relentlessly following you warns that you will be tormented by remorse.

Seeing that a snake has fallen on top of you is a warning about the machinations of a person in power.

Seeing a lot of vipers in a dream means that you will face disputes with partners or discord in the family.

Seeing yourself surrounded by snakes is a warning that the people around you, for the most part, do not wish you well. Leaving such a place in a dream means that you will successfully get out of a difficult situation and slanderers will not damage your reputation.

Seeing an anaconda (sea boa) in a dream is a sign that you will have a hard time in life. Anaconda lives only in water. Such a dream predicts that you should protect yourself and insure yourself on all sides in order to avoid great danger. Such a dream encourages you to fight to achieve your goal.

Dreams about snakes also include a rare dream about Medusa the Gorgon. Medusa Gorgon is a character from Greek mythology. Her image always meant victory over powerful enemies that no one could cope with. She had many snakes on her head instead of hair. No one could defeat her.

Medusa Gorgon was a symbol of the fight against fatal evil. Seeing her in a dream is a harbinger of victory over an all-powerful enemy or evil, unless in a dream her anger is directed against you.

Being the Gorgon Medusa yourself with thousands of snakes on your head is a sign of a glorious victory over your enemies.

Accidentally stepping on a snake in a dream and not being bitten is a sign that you will make a mistake and miraculously avoid the bad consequences of your frivolity.

If the snake managed to bite you, then you will have to pay dearly for your rash actions.

Non-venomous snakes or snakes in a dream mean a far-fetched danger or a false alarm.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Already is a fast and agile snake. There are signs by which you can distinguish a grass snake from a viper. Experts and terrarium owners talk about the intelligence of snakes, but advise remembering that not all snakes are harmless.

Common snake, photo by Marek Szczepanek

How to distinguish a grass snake from a viper?

Eyes. The pupils of snakes are round, while those of vipers have the shape of a transverse “stick”. A characteristic feature of most snakes are well-developed eyes:

They have a round oval or vertical pupil, like a cat's, and often have a brightly colored iris, which usually harmonizes well with the overall coloring of the body. Snakes, which search for their prey mainly by sight, have greatly enlarged eyes, adapted to react to moving objects (Animal Life, Volume 5).

So: the pupils of snakes are round, and those of vipers are in the shape of a stick, which is located across the body.

Coloring. The coloring of snakes is varied. Among them there are snakes of dark olive, brown, brown and even almost black color. Some snakes have variegated skin with bright patterns. It is possible that this is the protective nature of the coloring, the desire to imitate poisonous snakes. The snake family is numerous. Therefore, in order not to confuse a snake with a poisonous snake, you need to know the characteristics of exactly those species that are found in a particular area. Let's consider three types of genus Snakes (Natrix) subfamilies Real snakes (Colubrinae).

Common snake “It is well distinguished from all our other snakes by two large, clearly visible light spots (yellow, orange, off-white) located on the sides of the head. These spots have a crescent shape, and are bordered in front and behind with black stripes. There are individuals whose light spots are weakly expressed or absent. The color of the upper side of the body is from dark gray to black, the belly is white, with irregular black spots” (“Animal Life”, volume 5).

Perhaps this advice from a famous snake catcher will help someone:

It was quite simple to distinguish a snake from a viper: the snake has sharp yellow or red spots on its head, similar to ears, and its body is monochromatic - dark gray or black. Vipers do not have “ears” on the head, the body is gray or red, and a zigzag stripe stands out sharply on the back (A Nedyalkov. Naturalist in search).

Water snake painted differently. This snake differs from the ordinary snake, although it often coexists with it.

The color of its back is olive, olive-gray, olive-greenish or brownish in color with dark spots located more or less in a checkerboard pattern or with narrow dark transverse stripes. There is often a dark spot on the back of the head, shaped like a Latin letter V, pointing towards the head. The belly is yellowish to reddish, mottled with more or less rectangular black spots. Occasionally there are specimens completely devoid of a dark pattern on the body or completely black (“Animal Life”, volume 5).

Zmeelov A. Nedyalkov warns that it is dangerous to rely only on the color of the snake’s skin. One day, a viper taught him a lesson that could end in tragedy:

I did not yet know that there were vipers painted solid black, and I almost paid a heavy price for my ignorance.

One day I was walking through the forest after rain and saw that the black body of a large snake stretched across the path. The snake's head was hidden in the grass. The black body means it's not a viper, but... I really needed a big one, so I bent down and, without any precautions, took the snake by the body with my bare hand. The snake hissed. Snakes usually do not hiss when picked up. My catcher’s reflex kicked in, and with my other hand I grabbed the snake by the neck so that it couldn’t reach me with its teeth. I look and her pupil is in the shape of a stick. Viper!

What saved me from being bitten was that the viper was very chilled after the rain, and chilled snakes are rather sluggish and clumsy (A Nedyalkov. Naturalist in search).

Tiger snake , which is found in the Far East of Russia (as well as in Northern China, Korea, Japan), is brightly and elegantly colored:

The back is dark green or dark olive in color (occasionally blue specimens are also found), mottled with more or less clear black transverse stripes or spots, gradually decreasing in size as they approach the tail. In the anterior third of the body, the spaces between the black spots are painted a bright brick-red color. Under the eye there is an oblique black, wedge-shaped stripe, with its apex facing downwards, another black stripe runs from the supraorbital shield to the corner of the mouth. There is a wide black collar on the neck, or there is one triangular-shaped spot on each side of the neck. The upper lip is yellow, the eyes are large and black (“Animal Life”, volume 5).

Smell. Snakes have one more difference from other snakes. Alarmed snakes smell disgusting:

The snake waved its tail and doused me with a stream of whitish, stinking liquid. The stench was terrible: a mixture of garlic fumes and some kind of chemical substance. I almost vomited, but I still threw the snake onto the shore. For an hour and a half I rubbed my skin with soap, sand, and alcohol, but I couldn’t remove the smell (A. Nedyalkov “Dangerous Paths of a Naturalist”).

It is believed that in those places where snakes are found there are no vipers. It's a delusion:

In addition to vipers, snakes were also found near the ditches. They say that snakes are at enmity with vipers and kill them. I have seen more than once how a grass snake and a viper lie side by side and calmly bask in the sun. And I never saw them fight (A. Nedyalkov “Naturalist in Search”).

Types of snakes

There are many different snakes, but the most common in our country are these three species.

(Natrix natrix) is found in Europe (except for the Far North). It is a black or dark gray snake measuring up to 1.5 m (usually 1 m, females are noticeably larger than males) with two yellow or bright orange spots on the sides of the head. The snake can be found in overgrown bushes near water, in damp forests and swamps. The common snake sometimes settles near people’s homes: in heaps of garbage in the yard, in sheds, stables, cellars and poultry yards. It often hangs onto chickens and ducks or crawls into stables and barnyards. The snake even lays eggs here that resemble those of a pigeon. A dinner egg is filled with a yolk inside, surrounded by a thin layer of white. The eggs are covered with a leathery shell. The female lays eggs bound into “beads” by a gelatinous substance. Oviposition can be found in manure heaps, in a heap of dry leaves, damp moss or in loose soil. There can be 15 - 17 eggs (less often up to 30 pieces). About three weeks pass, and the cubs are born. The length of a snake that has just hatched from an egg is about 15 cm. It is capable of eating worms, snails and various insects.

The common snake spends the winter on land: it hides in old burrows made by mammals, climbs under the roots of trees, etc.

Water snake (Natris tesselata) lives in the southern regions of Russia, as it is more heat-loving than the common one. There are many such snakes in the Volga region and on the Don. The water snake is often seen in Crimea (especially on the Kerch Peninsula). These snakes stay near water, not only fresh, but also salty. They swim well (even in big waves) and dive. They feed on frogs, tadpoles, small fish (gobies) and even shrimp. Less commonly, small mammals and birds. To make it easier for the snake to swallow the fish, the snake holds it in its mouth and swims to the shore. There it finds support for its body, sits comfortably near it, and then begins to swallow its prey. These snakes hide from the heat underwater. Snakes sleep in dry grass, in hay, climb into rodent holes, and under stones. In the morning, water snakes slowly crawl onto the banks of rivers and reservoirs. Snakes hibernate under rocks, in crevices and in dense bushes.

Already brindle (Rhabdophis tigrina) in Russia it is found in the south of the Far East (Primorsky Krai, near Khabarovsk) in damp areas near water, in forests and meadows. They are seen even in cities. The length of the snake is about 110 cm. It feeds on frogs, toads, small rodents and fish. This snake is considered conditionally venomous, as its poisonous teeth are located deep in the mouth (on the back of the maxillary bone).

For humans, tiger snake bites, usually inflicted by short front teeth, pass without a trace. However, in cases where the bite is inflicted by the enlarged posterior maxillary teeth lying deep in the mouth, and saliva and the secretion of the upper labial glands enter the wound in large quantities, severe poisoning can occur, not inferior in severity to that from the bite of real poisonous snakes (“Animal Life, Vol. 5).

Snake nutrition

Snakes are excellent swimmers and often get their food not only on land, but also in water. The diet of snakes mainly consists of small vertebrates: amphibians and reptiles. However, there are lovers of rodents, birds and fish. Frogs are a delicacy for snakes. He catches them in the water and on the shore. A hungry snake swallows several small frogs at once. In the water, it also hunts tadpoles and fish.

Watching him eat is unpleasant. He swallows frogs alive, just as some people swallow live oysters. The discrepancy between the sizes of the frog and the snake makes the process of eating a terrible sight - the snake’s large mouth with a small head, a thin body in which the swallowed frog sticks out like a terrible knot... As a child, I once came across a snake with such a knot on its neck. I poked it with a stick - a live and unharmed frog jumped out from inside, it was still crawling, but it was completely white: the stomach juice of the snake had discolored it (Hans Scherfig “The Pond”).

The snake is said to hypnotize its prey. Externally it looks exactly like this. A. Nedyalkov saw with his own eyes how the frog obediently approached the snake:

I have been told many times that snakes hypnotize frogs. But this time the “hypnosis” did not take place. To see everything better, I pulled away a branch of the bush. The frog noticed the movement of the branch and made a desperate leap, turning over its head in the air. He continued to lie motionless. Looking closely, I saw that from time to time he threw out a forked tongue from his closed lips. I didn’t bother the snake and returned to my place. About five minutes later, near the same bush, the frog purred again. I approached the bush again. He was already lying in the same place, and the frog was purring again and approaching him. She did not jump, but, carefully moving her paws, crawled the way soldiers crawl on their bellies. This time I did not move the branches, and soon the frog approached the snake at a distance of twenty centimeters. Suddenly it rushed towards the frog and grabbed it by the end of its muzzle with its mouth. The frog struggled, but could not escape. Moving his jaws, he grabbed her tighter and tighter. The frog no longer purred, but desperately scraped the snake’s head with its paws. The snake's jaws kept moving and moving. The frog's eyes were already at the very edge of its mouth. I felt sorry for the frog, and I pushed the snake with the end of the grabber. He didn’t immediately let go of his victim. Only after I squeezed his neck quite hard with my grip, did he open his mouth and the frog escaped. She immediately jumped into the grass, and then slid into the thick of the bush... I don’t think he hypnotized the frog. Most likely, she noticed his moving tongue, mistook this tongue for a worm, wanted to eat this worm and herself became the prey of the snake (A. Nedyalkov “Naturalist in Search”).


Snakes have been kept in captivity since ancient Roman times. Then they caught mice. Nowadays, there are also hobbyists who keep snakes at home. They advise designing the terrarium as a “forest + pond”. It is advisable to feed snakes with frogs and live small fish. Snakes are considered intelligent snakes that can get used to humans. This is what Hans Scherfig recalls about something he already knew in his book “The Pond”:

He was so sweet and friendly. A real pet snake that was not afraid of people. He even got rid of his old bad habit of hissing and emitting an unpleasant odor when you touch him. Frightened snakes smell like garlic.

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yellow snake in a dream what is it for

A yellow snake means trouble. When in a dream you walk among yellow snakes, there are people next to you who do not like you. Killing a snake is a solution to problems; your opinion will soon be taken into account. Bitten by a snake - to problems at work.

dreamed of a yellow snake

A yellow snake means betrayal. If the snake is poisonous, you will lose as a result of betrayal; if it is not poisonous, you will win. A snake hanging from a tree means illness.

If the yellow snake does not move, you should expect deception or betrayal from loved ones. If she is in motion - a warning about the disease.

what does it mean if there is a yellow snake in a dream

The snake you see speaks of a rich enemy who is plotting against you. If she is in the house or leaves the house, she is an enemy among loved ones. If she died in your bed - a warning about the imminent death of your wife. If it hisses, the enemy will retreat from you for a while. Holding a snake in your arms means that future enemy machinations will not harm you. A dead snake means that God will help get rid of enemies.

interpretation of the dream yellow snake

In his interpretation, the snake is a phallic symbol. A bite from a yellow snake or a kiss with it indicates that you lack oral sex in your life, or you are afraid of oral sex.

why do you dream of a yellow snake

The snake shed its skin - to significant changes in life. If a person you know is holding a snake, you should listen to his advice, because... he is the source of wisdom.

yellow snake in a dream

Hasse claims that a snake in a dream speaks of the appearance of enemies among women. You killed a snake - expect a quick solution to your problems.
