Red lamp for the terrarium. Ultraviolet lamps for turtles: selection, operating instructions. Does a turtle need an ultraviolet lamp? A simple “Ilyich light bulb”

Today, one of the most popular exotic animals is pet turtles. These sweet and willful reptiles adapt well to life in captivity and do not require significant daily care. But in order for your pet to feel comfortable in captivity, you should definitely equip it properly. Today we will talk about such an important accessory as an incandescent lamp for turtles and figure out which reptile heating lamp is best to use and where it should be placed.

Why do you need a lamp?

The owner of a reptile must understand that turtles are cold-blooded animals, which means that all life processes of the turtle are affected by the ambient temperature. Therefore, maintaining the desired temperature inside the aquarium is vital for your pet.

The incandescent lamp for turtles should be installed in the corner of the aquarium:

  • For a land turtle, a container of water is most often placed under it, and the lamp itself is placed in the corner opposite to the turtle’s home.
  • For waterfowl, the heating element is located above the island of land.

We wrote about how to set up an aquarium for a waterfowl turtle. Read it, it's interesting and useful to know!

You should not place the lamp in the middle of the aquarium. After all, it performs not only the lighting function, but also the heating function. By placing a heating element in the corner of the aquarium, you can thereby achieve a gradation of temperatures in the reptile’s home. Thus, the temperature under the lamp will reach + 32 C, while in the opposite corner the temperature can be +27 C. In this way, the turtle itself will be able to choose the optimal temperature zone for itself.

The heating lamp should be located at a distance of approximately thirty centimeters. But depending on the power, the distance may vary; the optimal distance will be the distance at which the temperature under the heating element reaches 30-32C. It should be noted that the lamp is turned on only during the day (10-12 hours), but if the air temperature in the room at night drops below +20 C, it is recommended to use heating at night. In this case, it is best to use a special light bulb as a heating lamp for turtles, which emits only heat and does not create additional lighting. You can buy an infrared lamp for turtles in stores that specialize in terrariums and reptiles.

What to choose

The best option would be to choose a regular incandescent lamp with a power of 40 to 60 W. It’s not worth buying LED or other housekeepers; they won’t produce enough heat.

Incandescent lamp for turtles

A regular light bulb that can be purchased at most hardware stores. The optimal power is from 40 to 60 W. In most cases, this power is quite enough. There is an opinion that for large terrariums you should use a more powerful light bulb. This is not always true; it is worth remembering that the light bulb should only heat one part of the terrarium, leaving its opposite part unheated. If you doubt whether the purchased light bulb has enough power, control the temperature in the aquarium by installing two thermometers. Do not allow the temperature under the heating element to rise above +32 degrees.

Mirror lamp

Lamp with focused lighting. Part of its surface is covered with a mirror element, which helps focus the light at a certain point. Due to the fact that the bulb focuses not only light, but also heat to a specific point, it is recommended to use lower wattage for this lighting fixture. A power of 20 W will be sufficient.

Infrared lamp for turtles

This heating element does not produce light; it should be used at night, when the ambient temperature in the room drops below 20 degrees.

Ceramic lamp for turtles

This heating element is also intended for use at night, since it also does not produce visible light, but only emits heat. The ceramic heating element produces more heat than all of the above lamps, so it should be placed at a distance of half a meter from the reptile. A ceramic lamp can be placed in terrariums with increased humidity without fear of water getting on it.

A few words about accommodation

The incandescent lamp for turtles should be located in the aquarium in such a way that there are several thermal zones inside it. The turtle will choose the optimal place for itself.
In addition to a lamp for heating turtles, there must be a lamp in the terrarium, which promotes the production of vitamin D3 in reptiles. It should be noted that a UV lamp should only be used with heating elements, since vitamin D3 is absorbed only in warmed reptiles.

  • Lighting should be done exclusively from above the aquarium, so as not to irritate the sensitive cornea of ​​the reptile's eyes.
  • The temperature should be measured directly under the heating element, but not at the level of the aquarium floor, but at the level of the turtle's shell, since at the level of the shell the temperature will be slightly higher. Do not allow the temperature to rise above + 32 degrees.
  • Please note that the heating zone must be no less than the length of your pet; do not allow moments when the turtle is not able to completely fit under the light bulb. In this case, you should hang the lighting element a little higher and increase its power.
  • Stick to daylight hours. Turn the lighting fixture on and off at the same time so as not to disrupt the reptile's life rhythms.
  • In summer, when the terrarium is well lit and heated, it is permissible not to use a heating element, while a UV lamp is a must for your pet.

Remember! Not only its comfort, but also its life depends on the correct arrangement of all elements in a turtle’s terrarium. Try to make the life of a turtle in captivity as comfortable as possible and it will delight you throughout its long life.

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One of the most popular turtles for aquariums is the freshwater red-eared slider. The main range of this species is Mexico and Central America. Since the climate in Russia is quite harsh, these turtles do not survive the winter in natural conditions. Owners of these cold-blooded animals need to take into account that temperature conditions directly affect their life processes. To maintain life balance, in nature these reptiles use sunlight. To keep the turtle healthy and vigorous, special lamps are installed in aquariums for heating and to replace sunlight.

What kind of lighting and heating is needed for aquatic red-eared and land reptiles?

At home, the red-eared turtle lives in an aquarium or aquaterrarium all year round.

Since in winter it is very difficult to get a sufficient amount of heat and ultraviolet radiation from the sun, veterinarians advise placing two light bulbs over the pet: one is used for heating (incandescent or thermal lamp), and the second should be ultraviolet.

The distance to the reptile's shell should not be less than 30–35 cm to avoid burns.

The heating device should maintain the temperature at 28–30 degrees. This is the optimal temperature regime for a full active life and good digestion. Such a heater works all day, and at night it is turned off, the temperature drops to 18–25 degrees Celsius.

Having divided the aquarium into warm and cold zones, heat lamps are placed in a warm corner. In the case of aquatic turtles, it is better to secure it above an area of ​​land where the turtle will “sunbathe”. The temperature of this area should not exceed 40 degrees. And the pet will cool down in cool water.

IMPORTANT! Just enough water is needed so that a turtle that has turned over on its back can return to its previous position without outside help.

Many people have pets. Some of them have contact individuals, for example, cats or dogs, while others prefer to enjoy observing the life of mysterious species, which include reptiles. Back in the 90s of the last century, it was generally accepted that such pets can be kept, at best, in an aquarium with water (if it is a waterfowl species) or, worst of all, on the floor (when the reptile is a land reptile). Today we will not talk about how to properly keep a reptile at home, but rather about the main attribute, without which it is simply impossible for a pet to live comfortably. On the agenda are ultraviolet lamps for turtles and everything connected with them: the best models, reputable manufacturers, acceptable indicators of a substitute for solar radiation.

Watching a reptile is an esthete's pleasure

One of the hardy pets is the red-eared slider. This is a waterfowl reptile that spends most of its time in the liquid element. However, the pet also prefers to get out onto land and bask in the rays of an improvised sun, which should be an ultraviolet lamp for turtles. The modern market offers a wide range of aquarium-terrariums with small islands where, in fact, a pet can bask. By the way, due to the relative simplicity of keeping and the spectacular nature of the life process, many novice hobbyists buy red-eared turtles for themselves.

Due to the small amount of knowledge about this reptile, people are the main cause of their illness and even death. In order to avoid mistakes that could be fatal for your pet, you need to take into account the main conditions necessary for a comfortable stay of a waterfowl reptile in a human home. Further in the article we will try to give the most complete answer to the question: what kind of ultraviolet lamp is needed for a turtle? But first, let’s look at the pet’s main home.

A few words about the view

The aquatic red-eared slider is native to the southern regions of the United States. Its main and favorite refuge is the Mississippi coast with fairly warm water and a slight current. The average size of an adult reptile of this species is about 30 cm. In a terrarium, its lifespan can reach 40 years, because it is commonly believed that in “greenhouse” conditions without stress and pursuers, turtles truly relax, thereby increasing the number of years they live years. This factor should prompt the future owner to think about whether it is worth keeping a long-lived reptile in his home for a long period.

Aquarium for turtles

But, if a positive decision is nevertheless made, then it is necessary to create comfortable living conditions for her, as close as possible to natural habitat. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the minimum requirements for terrariums so that the reptile lives a happy, and, most importantly, healthy life:

  1. An aquarium for turtles should have a capacity of approximately 200 liters. This size is considered optimal for one, maximum, two individuals. It must be filled with fresh water, the recommended temperature of which is about 26°C.
  2. The improvised land required for a red-eared turtle in a terrarium must be at least 20% of the area of ​​the entire dwelling. To heat it, a 60-watt incandescent lamp must be used. The optimal temperature on a dry island is 32°C.
  3. A vital element above the island of land in a reptile aquarium is the presence of an ultraviolet turtle lamp with UVB 10%. Many inexperienced or irresponsible owners believe that they can do without it, but this is absolutely wrong. The reptile's body is designed in such a way that without ultraviolet radiation it is not able to produce calcium and B vitamins, which are so necessary for the formation of a strong turtle shell. Having deprived a red-eared turtle of sun, the owner, sooner or later, will face a huge number of health problems for his pet. There are very few experienced herpetologists, and treatment is often expensive, so there is a high chance of not being able to help a sick reptile.
  4. It is extremely necessary to maintain cleanliness in the terrarium. Turtles can carry salmonellosis. By the way, red-eared pets quickly pollute water during their life processes. Therefore, a filter for water purification will also come in handy for its owner. Changing water (200 liters or more) every 2 days without filtration is not a pleasant experience.
  5. A thermometer is needed to determine the water temperature, the mark on which should not fall below 23°C.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that keeping a reptile at home is quite troublesome. But, having done everything right and spent some money, there is a great chance for a long time to enjoy observing the interesting life of red-eared turtles. All necessary accessories can be purchased in specialized pet stores and on thematic websites on the Internet.

For different types of reptiles - excellent ultraviolet radiation performance

Ultraviolet lamps for turtles are a necessary accessory when keeping a reptile at home, replacing the spectrum of sunlight in its natural habitat. But not all such lamps can benefit red-eared turtles. Lamps that produce about 30% UVA, 5-12% UVB in their spectrum are suitable for keeping an aquatic reptile. It should be noted that on store shelves you can find products for both land reptiles and waterfowl. It is important not to make a mistake and choose an ultraviolet lamp for the aquatic turtle, which should emit a spectrum of at least 5-8% UVB.

For Central Asian land animals or their closest relatives, this figure should be more than 10-12% UVB. It is important to strictly adhere to the instructions for each lamp, because it indicates the distance between the device and the turtle’s eyes. Failure to comply with the manufacturer's instructions and your own negligence can leave your turtle blind for life. A UV lamp for an aquarium with a red-eared reptile must be protected from water.

User manual

The packaging of the purchased lamp indicates the recommended period of use. It is often 1 year, but may be less, depending on the manufacturer. After this period of time, the radiation from the ultraviolet lamp for red-eared turtles may no longer correspond to the characteristics specified in the instructions, and, accordingly, may not bring any benefit to the pet. Experienced tortoise experts advise replacing lamps a month or even two earlier than the specified period, believing that by this time they are no longer able to cope with the assigned tasks. This is due to the fact that the device works about 10-12 hours a day.

Reflectors for UV lamps are common causes of turtle burns

You should not buy a lamp without a specified service life. You should choose only proven brands. Many reptile owners use reflectors to increase ultraviolet radiation, however, this method should be used with great caution. Too much radiation may cause burns. By the way, replacing an ultraviolet lamp for a turtle with something else will not work, and it is impossible. Unless in the summer you take your pet outside into the “living” rays of the sun.

Correct installation of the ultraviolet spectrum in a reptile terrarium

You should take a responsible approach to choosing the location of the lamp in the turtle's aquarium or terrarium (depending on its type). The UV light source is mounted above the turtle, not on the side. When installed correctly, it, like the sun, should illuminate the entire territory of the pet’s habitat. The distance from the lamp to the dry improvised island should be at least 35 cm. By the way, if the turtle is a land species, then the lamp should also be placed above the land of the terrarium, based on the above indicator. It is necessary to take into account the safety precautions for keeping your pet. After all, a reptile has considerable physical strength and, if the lighting fixture is not fastened properly, it can loosen it and knock it over. Make sure that electrical wires are not hanging down and are not in physical contact with the turtle.

List of recommended lamps (for turtles) that can replace the sun

In Russia there are such brands of UV lamps for pets as: Arkadia, SERA, JBL, ZooMed, Comodo and others. All of them have successfully proven themselves among those people who keep reptiles at home. But for a beginner, all the information about the characteristics of the product is important, among which the main question also arises: how much does an ultraviolet lamp for turtles cost? Most often, the cost of such a lamp depends on several factors: the manufacturer’s brand, power consumption, the radius of illumination to which it transmits 100% of the specified radiation spectrum. Most often, the cost ranges from 700 to 1500 rubles.

For example, lamps made in China last up to 6 months, while analogues made in Russia and the CIS last up to 1 year. European brands are of higher quality and, accordingly, will cost much more. It is very important that during the entire period of the specified service life the technical parameters of the lamp do not deviate from those stated in the instructions. A clear opinion has formed among consumers that the best option for purchase, combining quality and cost, is a lamp from Arkadia.

Diseases of reptiles deprived of sun

When answering the question of whether a turtle needs an ultraviolet lamp, any turtle specialist will answer without hesitation that it does. If there is no such in the terrarium, this will lead to poor absorption of calcium. As a result, bone tissue will not develop enough. This will affect the development of rickets in the turtle and the curvature of the shell. In the absence of UV radiation or if it is insufficient, the turtle may develop softening of the shell and its curvature. The limbs will weaken and be susceptible to fractures. The outcome most often for a reptile kept in improper conditions is disastrous.

The decision must be balanced

Before you get a pet turtle, there are a few important things you need to seriously consider:

  1. Is it possible to care for a pet for a long time, because, as we know, reptiles can live quite a long time.
  2. Is it possible to purchase the necessary equipment for arranging a comfortable place for a turtle to live in a human home: an aquarium, an incandescent and UV lamp, and also, if the species is aquatic, then filters and purifiers.
  3. Provide your pet with adequate nutrition. For red-eared fish, this is boiled meat, shrimp, dried gammarus, and for land species - fresh greens all year round.

Expert opinion

Herpetologists say that few people are able to truly fall in love with a reptile. She is not contact and is not created to be squeezed in hands. This is more of a type of pet that is simply pleasant to watch, distracting from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and relaxing at the end of the working day.

In Asia, with long-livers, they believe that a reptile in the house can extend the life of its owner on earth by several years.

A terrarium is a special box in which the turtle spends most of its time. It is usually made of glass or transparent plastic; for aquatic turtles it is divided into two zones: land (island) and a body of water.

It is important to take into account the fact that the temperature on land should not be lower than 32 and higher than 40 degrees, but the water may be colder. Its level should be such that if the turtle turns over, it can calmly return to its normal state.

Most often, turtle breeders can find terrariums with 2 lamps, while none of them may provide normal light.

It is worth clarifying why there are exactly two lamps. Breeders often use one of two types of lamps at the beginning:

  • ultraviolet;
  • incandescent

These two types need to be compared, since the latter is much more budget-friendly. However, most people who use conventional lighting devices additionally install UV lamps.

The first thing that reptile owners pay attention to is whether the lamp provides heat? In this criterion, the cheaper incandescent light bulb wins. Therefore, it is used as heating lamps. They can be regular, ceramic or with a mirror reflector. The concept depends on the size and shape of the aquarium. Typically, such a lamp is installed above the part of the terrarium where the island is located, since this is where it is necessary to maintain a high temperature of 32 - 40 degrees.

However, warmth is not the only factor that red-eared turtles need. In addition, they need ultraviolet light. It is needed so that the reptile can develop properly and exist comfortably. This type of radiation helps the animal's body produce vitamin D3, which helps metabolize dietary potassium. This happens as follows: mid-ultraviolet rays react with 7-dehydrocholesterol, resulting in the formation of provitamin D3. After this, this substance, under the influence of the temperature emitted by the heating lamp, is converted into simple vitamin D3.

Incandescent lamps practically do not produce ultraviolet radiation, while UV lamps are aimed specifically at ensuring that the pet receives the daily requirement of vitamin D3. The red-eared turtle especially needs ultraviolet radiation in winter, when the sun is distant and cannot fully provide this radiation to the pet.

Thanks to this vitamin, the pet absorbs calcium better, since the reptile’s liver and kidneys convert D3 into a hormone that regulates calcium metabolism, which is important. Since a deficiency of this element can cause rickets. It is especially important to provide reptiles with ultraviolet light at an early age and during pregnancy, since during these periods calcium is very important for the formation of the body.

If your red-eared turtle does not get enough vitamin D3, it may develop metabolic bone disease. Therefore, for the health of the turtle, it is necessary not only to install a lamp, but also to provide it with food containing calcium. This can be done with the help of special dietary supplements.

Rickets of the red-eared turtle

This disease is encountered by most turtle breeders who do not immediately install UV lamps in the aquariums of still young turtles.

The symptoms of this disease are:

  • drowsiness;
  • tumors;
  • softening of the shell and skeletal bones;
  • convulsions;
  • deformation of the lower jaw;
  • refusal of food;
  • swollen and closed eyes;
  • general weakness.

If signs of this disease appear, you should contact your veterinarian for help. You also need to diversify your pet’s diet, include special additives and mineral supplements, if possible, increase the amount of meat, sea reptiles and shellfish (their shells contain calcium), and foods containing vitamin D.

In advanced cases of rickets, turtles are prescribed injections of drugs that contain calcium; they must also be left under a quartz lamp once a day for 15 minutes, the distance to which should not exceed or be less than 20 - 25 cm.

Intensive treatment must be carried out for one and a half months, and after half a year, under favorable circumstances, the disease may completely recede.

To prevent the disease, it is enough to follow a varied diet, keep the turtle in a spacious terrarium and irradiate it with ultraviolet light daily (especially in winter).

How to choose the right ultraviolet lamp

When selecting a UV lamp for a terrarium, you should pay special attention to 2 indicators:

This designation indicates the percentage of medium wave ultraviolet light that the lamp can produce. Medium waves are most important for reptiles, as they are the ones that help them absorb potassium in the wild.

The UVA designation indicates the percentage of long-wave ultraviolet light produced by the lamp. These waves are also important for red-eared turtles.

The power and length of the lamp must be selected taking into account the size of the terrarium.

Typically, red-eared turtles are kept in boxes of 4 to 5 liters. Since they are land reptiles, in these terrariums they need the following parameters:

  1. UVB should be 5-10%. A lower figure of 2% will not be enough. For pregnant individuals, the spectrum can be increased to 12%.
  2. UVA no less than 30%. As with UBA, lower rates will not be sufficient for the red-eared slider.

If you install a lamp with such indicators, the pet will develop correctly and the risk of developing rickets will be minimized. There are currently several manufacturers on the market that can provide UV lamps for red-eared turtles:

  • SERA;
  • ExoTerra;
  • Hagen;
  • Zoomed;
  • Sylvania;
  • Arcadia;
  • Interpet;
  • Namiba Terra.

How to properly install a UV lamp in a terrarium

The correct placement of the lamp will provide the entire terrarium with ultraviolet radiation, leaving no blind spots. UV lamps can be tubular and compact (most often with an E27 base). For the former, a special lamp is installed in the lid of the terrarium; such emitters are excellent for red-eared turtles. The latter can be installed in a lamp that can be installed above the terrarium; they are usually used in small boxes that are not suitable for breeding this type of reptile.

It is important to note that the distance from the lamp to the soil of the terrarium should be at least 35 cm; this is the most optimal option. Installing the emitter at this height is necessary to ensure that the turtle does not receive burns to the skin or corneas of the eyes.

Consequences of keeping a turtle without a UV lamp

How often to turn on and change the lamp

Many people write that an ultraviolet lamp for a red-eared turtle should replace a full daylight hours, which means it should burn for about 10 or 12 hours. However, for reptiles, for healthy development, it is enough to receive ultraviolet radiation for 3-4 hours.

It is worth noting that not everyone can monitor the terrarium throughout the day. Therefore, if the owner goes to work for the whole day, you can leave the lamp on for a long period, but up to a maximum of 12 hours. Such procedures will not cause harm to turtles.

The lamp must be replaced depending on the manufacturer. This must be done because over time, the coating applied to the lamp through which the radiation passes fades and the amount of ultraviolet radiation is reduced.

Experts recommend doing this once every three months. This is due to the fact that all animals have different immunity. Therefore, even with a slight decrease in the received ultraviolet radiation, a turtle with a weakened immune system can develop rickets. However, some brands of emitters can last up to a year. It is worth considering that used UV lamps are classified as hazardous waste, and therefore for their disposal you should contact specialized collection points.

Possible replacements and what should not be used

In addition to UV emitters, you can use erythema tanning lamps, for example, "Photon". However, this is quite risky, since these devices emit harsher ultraviolet radiation, and therefore their use must be minimized. To avoid burns to the skin and corneas of the eyes, it is recommended to hold such a lamp over the terrarium for no more than 5 minutes a day.

Often people try to find alternative sources of UV radiation. At the same time, many are looking for a replacement based on the color of the emitted light, believing that blue light is a clear sign of the presence of ultraviolet radiation. Definitely not suitable for breeding turtles:

  • energy saving with cold light;
  • quartz lamps;
  • luminescent;
  • intended for fish and plants;
  • medical;
  • installed in devices for checking money;
  • manicure

It is best not to waste time and money, but to immediately purchase the right lamp in a specialized retail or online store. This will protect your pet's health.
