Drinking bowl for a 5 liter bottle. We make a drinker for chickens from a plastic bottle. Do-it-yourself winter drinking bowl from an ordinary light bulb

In order for the chicken to have good health, it must be fed with fresh water. Many poultry farmers turn to specialized stores and buy expensive drinkers, however, does this make sense if you can do it yourself? What are the ways to build drinkers for chickens with your own hands at home? Instructions on this topic are waiting for you in the article.

There are several ways to build do-it-yourself water supply systems for chickens, they are all built on the principle from simple to complex. The easiest way is to make a cup drinker. Any basin or bowl can act as such a structure, however, it is absolutely not practical. Firstly, you will often have to change the water, and secondly, chickens can get dirty and sit on a drinking bowl.

A more common and practical option is a plastic bottle drinker for chickens. It is quite simple to make and it does not take a lot of time. In addition, this option is perfect for adult chickens.

Tools and materials

  1. Of course, first of all, you need a plastic bottle, preferably a 5-liter one. However, you can use larger or smaller containers.
  2. The second item will be a bowl, preferably made of plastic.
  3. And of course, you can not do without tools. Of the tools you only need scissors, you can use a regular or clerical knife.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. In a large plastic bottle, you need to cut a hole, a hole. It is worth considering that the hole should not be higher than the level of the basin in which the bottle will be located. The average height is 10 cm.
  2. Set the container in a bowl.
  3. Pour water into the installed container, while you have to cover the hole so that the water does not spill out.
  4. During the use of the drinker, the water will fill the basin as it decreases, depending on how much the chickens will drink.

Automatic drinker

The most convenient, as practice has shown, is an automatic drinker for chickens, it is also called a vacuum. It's very easy to make one with your own hands.

The advantage of such a drinker is that the water in it can be changed no more than once every 2-3 days.

You can simplify your life a little and buy a special saucer in the store, a bath in which a container of water will be placed. However, in order not to spend extra money, you can do everything yourself.

Tools and materials

To create a do-it-yourself automatic drinker for chickens, you will need:

  1. A jar or bottle, preferably a 5-liter. This will be the main container for water.
  2. A bath, in the role of which you can take any basin. It is important that this basin is not too small, otherwise the water may spill out. In addition, such a design will not be stable. You can use a special stand, which is sold in any specialized store. It has a special recess in which the container is placed.
  3. Small wooden blocks and plastic bottle caps (required if there is no special stand).
  4. Glue.

Step-by-step instruction

An automatic drinking system is easy to build in a short time.

  1. To the neck of a jar or bottle, you need to attach stands with glue, for example, small wooden blocks. This will serve as some kind of support. Place the stands correctly on both sides, parallel. If you are using a jar, then you need to cut notches in the bars in the shape of plastic lids.
  2. Glue two plastic lids to the bottom of the bath. Just like the bars, the covers should be parallel on both sides. It is worth considering that the bars should be located in these covers. This will help the structure to be more stable.
  3. Pour water into a container and place in a bath.

To achieve optimal performance of laying hens is possible only if the norms of watering and feeding are observed. There should always be clean water in the coop, and feeders should be replenished regularly. To build an automatic drinker simply from improvised materials.

In order to assemble such a structure, you need:

  1. Cut off the neck of a 5 liter container. For a drinker, you need ΒΌ of the container on which the lid is screwed.
  2. Unscrew the cap from the 2.5 liter bottle and fix it inside the lid of the 5 liter container. A 7 mm hole is made in a 2.5 liter bottle.
  3. Screw the lid onto a 5 liter container with a 2.5 liter bottle cap attached.
  4. Place a 2.5 liter bottle on top of the cut part of the 5-liter container and screw it onto the cap. Subsequently, when it is necessary to pour liquid into a 2.5 liter container, it is disconnected from the lid attached to the 5 liter container.
  5. The structure is fixed to the wall or on a stand.

Such devices are easy to use and do not require effort when cleaning.

From a ten liter bottle

The design made from a 10 l bottle is constructed according to a simple scheme, which is also used for the design from a 5 l bottle. First, a hole of 7 mm is made in the container at a height of 5 cm from the bottom. Then the container is installed in a vessel from which the chickens drink.

After the bottle is filled with water and close the lid. The fluid will stop flowing as soon as it reaches the hole.


If you need to create a nipple drinker, prepare the following materials:

  • nipple;
  • pipe with a plug and a branch;
  • drop catcher;
  • water container.

It is better to give the chickens settled water. A PVC pipe of the required length is connected to the tank 10 cm from the bottom. If one element is not enough, then with the help of connecting elements it is extended.

A hole is drilled separately for each nipple. If a drip catcher is used, it is placed near the nipple.

One end is designed to crimp the pipe, the other has the shape of a spoon - liquid from the nipple will drain into it. Assembling such a do-it-yourself automatic drinker for chickens is quite simple.

From a plastic pipe

The structure is constructed from a pipe from 10 to 15 cm in diameter. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Holes of 25-35 cm are made in the pipe. They serve for birds to access the water. Holes are made rectangular. The extreme ones are performed 20 cm from the ends of the pipe. 20 cm are set aside between the holes. It is easier to cut them with a grinder.
  2. Clean up the edges of the holes.
  3. Tees equipped with plugs are mounted on the edges of the pipe. This design is often connected to the water supply network.
  4. In a chicken coop for adults, the pipe is fixed 15 cm from the floor. It is mounted at an angle of 2 degrees.

In this device, the water becomes contaminated in less than a day, which requires constant flushing of the pipe. For chickens, this design is not suitable.

drinker requirements

The chick is able to drink twice as much water as it eats feed. A chicken needs 0.5 liters of water daily. Birds often climb directly into the cup while drinking and feeding. This leads to the fact that the feed is compacted, and the water splashes and becomes contaminated.

On poultry farms from 100 heads, nipple structures are equipped, which are also suitable for summer cottages. They replace ordinary basins of water.

The principle of the device of drinkers is to limit the capabilities of the chicken - she can only dip her nose or catch drops. This condition is met when creating the following structures:

  • nipple. In their manufacture, nipples and drop catchers are used;
  • siphon are based on the flow of water into a drinking bowl from a large container;
  • cup: water enters the cups through a pipe system;
  • vacuum: water in a storage container is held by rarefied air.

In the presence of such products, chickens do not walk in the water. The liquid becomes contaminated only from submerging the noses of chickens. Automatic drinkers for chickens meet the following requirements:

  1. Water distribution occurs automatically. Throughout the day, there is enough water in a saucer or trough to quench the thirst of all chickens. It is good if the structure is raised above the ground or fixed to the wall.
  2. The drinker is made strong and light so that if it falls, it does not cause injury to the bird.
  3. For chickens, devices made of food-grade plastic are chosen. They are performed without sharp edges to eliminate the risk of injury to laying hens.
  4. The container is washed from sediment.
  5. Laying hens can always quench their thirst.
  6. The water is constantly kept clean.
  7. Sanitary standards are observed.

Such requirements are mandatory, since only in this case it will be possible to make a convenient and practical design.

floor drinker

The use of a vacuum type automatic drinker allows you to keep the water clean. Its entire volume is contained in a container that the birds cannot reach. Water falls into a small trough, automatically filled with water. Externally, a similar design is a closed container, installed upside down on a flat saucer. The volume of air penetrating through the neck regulates the flow of water into the trough.

Manufacturers of agricultural equipment offer several options for such pallets. They are designed for different categories of layers, taking into account their dimensions. The height of the structure and its dimensions are chosen based on the age of the chickens.


Drinking bowl from a bottle for chickens. How to make a drinker for chickens from a plastic bottle: photo, video.

When raising chickens and already adult chickens, you will first need drinkers. Of course, you can put any suitable container in the chicken coop and pour water for the chickens into it, but such a drinker will quickly become dirty, chickens can jump onto the drinker, shit in it, rake the bedding into the container, and the water will quickly deteriorate.

If in the summer the drinker can be placed on the street, then in winter it has to be placed in the chicken coop where the chickens often turn it over, as a result, the pfodstilka gets wet and dampness appears in the chicken coop.

Therefore, it is better to immediately make more practical drinkers, for example, from plastic bottles, such a drinker can be made in 5 minutes without spending a penny on it.

Drinking bowl for chickens from a 5 liter plastic bottle.

The easiest version of the drinker for adult chickens. To make a drinker you will need:

  • Plastic bottle for 5 - 6 liters.
  • A plastic container (bowl or tray) with a diameter slightly wider than the bottom of the bottle with a side height of 10 - 15 cm.

The process of making a drinker is extremely simple, we take a bottle and make a small hole about 1 cm in size in the sidewall. The hole must be made in such a way that it is a couple of centimeters below the side of the bowl in which you put the bottle.

Now we fill the bottle with water and put it in a bowl, the water from the hole will fill the bowl, as the chickens drink water, the water level will be replenished from the bottle.

Such a drinker for chickens from a bottle is practical and convenient, the water in it will be clean throughout the day.

So that the chickens do not jump onto the drinker and accidentally turn it over, the drinker must be installed closer to the wall of the chicken coop or aviary, and the neck of the bottle should be tied with a rope to the aviary.

We watch a video showing the process of making a drinker.

Drinking bowl for chickens from a 2 liter bottle.

To make a drinker you will need:

  • 5 liter plastic bottle.
  • 2 liter plastic bottle.
  • Bolt, washers, nut.

Take a 5 liter bottle and cut off the top of it to make a bowl.

We attach the cap of a 2 liter bottle to the cap from a 5 liter bottle, this can be done with a self-tapping screw or a small bolt with two washers and a nut. It is desirable to lubricate the connection with a sealant.

We screw a 2 liter bottle into the bowl, then make a hole in the sidewall of the bottle at a level just below the boron of the bowl. Unscrew the bottle, fill it with water and screw it back on.

We fix the drinker to the wall of the chicken coop in any convenient way.

How to make a drinker from a plastic bottle is shown in detail in the video.

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Successful breeding of chickens requires not only high-quality compound feed, but also constant access to clean water. Thirst or dirty water leads to frequent infections in birds. A simple option for providing drinking water would be a drinker for chickens from a 5 liter plastic bottle, which is easy to make on your own.

As a source of water, you can put a simple cup. But the behavior of chickens is their constant chaotic movement. Including, birds regularly trample in an open cup. The water will quickly get dirty from bird paws. Such a cup has to be changed several times a day, as chickens get it dirty in a few hours.

To make a simple drinker, you will need 5 liter bottles.

The peculiarity of a drinker made from a bottle is that it provides a constant flow of fresh water. Chickens will not be able to overturn such a container, which means they will not dilute the dirt inside and outside the house. Plastic bottles are inexpensive and therefore economical to use.

We make a drinking bowl from a 5 liter bottle ourselves

It is easy to equip a chicken coop with a vacuum drinker. Its meaning is that water automatically enters the bowl. The process of water supply occurs as it is spent and does not require constant human intervention. It is only necessary to periodically replenish the bottle with fresh water.

You can also provide chickens with a nipple drinker. She has a slightly different device, thanks to which water constantly flows through the nipple. Chickens cannot get dirty paws into a bowl of drinking water. It does not become contaminated, which means it cannot become a source of infection.

What do we need (materials and tools)

Making a drinker does not take much time. This is a really economical and affordable water tank option for everyone.

To make a drinker, you will need a plastic bottle and a clerical knife.

To get started, you need a minimum set of materials:

  • plastic transparent bottle of 5 liters;
  • sharp knife, awl;
  • a large bowl or cup, wider in diameter than the bottom of the bottle.

Step-by-step instruction

Before starting manufacturing, it is worth considering where the drinker will be located. How convenient will such a water bowl be for chickens? It is possible that a nipple-tipped container may be preferable in a poultry house.

If all the materials are ready and a place for water is found, then step-by-step manufacturing will not cause difficulties:

  1. A hole is made in the bottle, small, at a distance of 15 cm from the base.
  2. The container is thoroughly washed from previous residues, rinsed with an antiseptic.
  3. The container is filled with water. During filling, the hole is covered with tape or by hand.
  4. The bottle is placed in a cup.

The principle of operation of such a drinker is as simple as possible: water enters the cup through the hole from the bottle. As soon as it reaches the level of the hole, the flow of water stops. As the chickens consume the liquid, it will be wasted. At the same time, fresh water comes out of the bottle, constantly maintaining the level set by the hole in the bowl.

To make a vacuum drinker, you need a bottle and a basin.

Important! Over time, depending on the purity of the water, a green coating may appear on the walls of the bottle. It is better to get rid of such containers and replace them with clean ones.

Nipple drinker

Installing a drinker with a nipple is a little more difficult. But such a device is even more clean. From a nipple drinker, water will practically not splash around. She comes as needed chickens.

To make a drinker with a nipple, you will need:

  • bottle, any volume from 1.5 to 5 liters;
  • the nipple itself;
  • sharp knife or awl.

First, cut off the bottom of the bottle. A hole is made in the bottle cap with an awl or knife. Next, a nipple suitable for chickens is inserted into this hole. Pay attention to the quality of the nipple - it must be serviceable.

A bottle with a nipple is hung upside down. Filled with water. It is better to put a small cup under the drinker itself. It will serve as a drip tray. As they thirst, the chickens approach the nipple and touch it with their beak. Water begins to flow, satisfying the needs of birds.

For the manufacture of a nipple drinker, high-quality nipples will be required.

At first, chickens may have problems with the nipple. In order to teach them to drink from it, you should touch the rod with your finger. A drop will appear at the end of the nipple that will attract birds. As a rule, it is enough for at least one chicken to be able to learn how to drink like that.

Important! A nipple drinker is installed necessarily at eye level of chickens.

In the video, the farmer shows how easy it is to make an automatic drinker from a 5 liter plastic bottle.
