Destructive magic - damage, curses, evil eye. Damage to health with the addition of essence Black magic how to get rid of someone else's addition

We've already tried burning it - even this radical solution didn't work... So what's the matter? Perhaps we should look at it differently. Perhaps it is We ourselves who provoke it, we ourselves are responsible, we ourselves receive it and we disentangle it ourselves. True, there are also stupid witches who crave self-expression and recognition through causing harm to others.

Protection from the “evil witch and the evil magician.”

Here it is necessary to mention amulets and techniques of psychological protection, etc. You can put up a mirror, rely on threefold retribution and kickbacks... You can let it through you, through yourself, become invisible, etc. But there is a way to “burn through” this so-called. “energy” of influence and put it in the right direction for you. The exercise is very simple. Imagine that a fire begins to burn inside you. Which burns out everything unnecessary, sick, unnecessary. And this “energy”, from what has been burned, can be directed by you in the direction you need. For example, cleaning the house, intellectual activity, sports activity, etc.

Attack the "evil witch or evil magician."

After protection, if the negative impact continues on you and you are tired of burning through all this free “energy,” then you should take active steps to eliminate the source of these impacts. That is, to inspire the witch that she has no power, cannot induce negative suggestion, etc. If, of course, you know it and know how to inspire it.
If you don’t know (haven’t seen or heard about her) a witch, and get negative feedback, then this is called “mind reading”. That is, the belief in something that actually does not exist. Counting based on one’s subjective experience and cognitive images (imagination). In other words, you “made it up,” you screwed yourself up, and that’s why you’re screwing yourself over. While the witch herself, and therefore her influence, does not exist in reality, but only in your head. Of course, this is imagination and can serve smart people to their advantage when inducing negative influences. Which is what I wrote about.

Although, of course, it is best to use those methods that you trust and believe. Because by definition, they will work. Because you believe in them.
If we talk about a way to neutralize with faith the influence of this witch or magician on oneself, then “religious” protective techniques will help here. Words, spells, actions, rituals, and just hang something in front of the entrance to the house and on your neck.

If it is necessary to generally neutralize the influence of a witch or magician on everyone whom she or he can only influence (another question is whether you have the right to do this and from whom you received this right... And do not forget, if you begin to negatively influence “evil witch”, then who you yourself will become...), then you should do the following:

1) Make sure that this is really the “evil witch, magician.”
2) Once again he will be convinced that this is exactly that “evil witch, magician.”
3) Understand that “evil witches” don’t just attack. There's always a reason.
4) Find out this reason.
5) Create a report. (If you want to take revenge on your enemy, make him your friend.)
6) Unobtrusively convince that there are things that are more interesting and better. (Indirectly, not directly)
7) Interest her, like your “good acquaintance” or “friend,” in some exciting activity.
It may even be useful for you, for her and for society.
8) Secure the result. (With the help of NLP suggestion techniques... and other suggestion techniques known to you...) Observing its change.

This is one of the options. This is what you should do if you really want to neutralize the witch without aggression. And at the same time, do not violate the “witches’ creed” of Wicca.

It is also possible that this is in the worldview...
That is, we are accustomed to “solving problems”, “defending ourselves”, thereby limiting our horizons and choices. Perhaps, if you look at this process differently... Maybe the word “problem” can be replaced with the word “task”. And change the goal “settling the problem” to “your own goal, the one you need.” Or maybe these “tasks” do not arise in order to kill ourselves and “accept fate”, “withstand the blow of fate”... Perhaps it will sound like this:

“I found another way not to do this...”

And take it as just the next step. Which brought invaluable experience. Moreover, you need to understand that if a dark streak has come in your life, it means that some period in your life has ended and a new one is beginning. This means you need to learn your lessons, think things through, and draw conclusions. And then at once take and throw out everything that is unnecessary from your head and from your life. All these experiences. After all, this will already be the past. And thus, having gained experience and skills, you move further towards your goal.
(Interesting observation... If, while playing chess, your partner starts thinking about “solving the problem” by changing positions, and not about attacking, and even more so about winning the game... then he will soon loses.

And then... maybe you will notice that there was no influence of “an evil witch or magician...”

Even in our liberated times, when the media literally impose on people the principles of an immoral and unspiritual life, promote the cult of the stupid consumer, and it is precisely in our time that human souls remain defenseless and especially vulnerable.

And many lose spirituality and purity, so that later, when they wake up, they understand that essentially they have nothing - no soul, no health, no family, no love, and they have lived in darkness and will go into darkness.

There are so many people among us who have not understood anything in this life, who have always thought that happiness is when there is a lot of money and sexual partners, and everything else will follow.

And then the devastated, lost and lost come to me for help and advice.

And I tell them: “Cleanse yourself with prayer, repent and light candles for the health of your enemies and envious people,” and no one will ever force me to betray the Higher Power, no one’s evil attacks will be able to prevent me from cleansing the world of filth.

The destruction of all types of negativity is my Highest Goal, Destiny and Destination.

I have been given from above the Power to fight Evil, for there is no Good where Evil reigns. After all, no matter how hard envious people, vampires and simply evil-tongued people try, in my person they will find a worthy enemy, although I am not at enmity with people, I will simply repel Evil.

There are too many evil words, thoughts and actions, the rivers of Evil are overflowing, people easily and simply curse neighbors, just passers-by, acquaintances and not-so-acquaintances, bosses, colleagues, and often without any particular reason.

In my practice, there are many cases of conscious and unconscious damage even among relatives, mothers curse children, children of parents, brothers of sisters, spouses pour tubs of curses on each other... and it seems there is no end to senseless mutual destruction, there is no end to anger and hatred.

I have been fighting this Evil all my life, I have removed mortal curses, curses on insanity, curses on illness, I have removed curses on loneliness, curses on drunkenness, demon possession and obsession, and among my recent achievements I have removed three very difficult crowns of celibacy (there have not been such professionally delivered crowns for a long time celibacy) and the girls got married.

All diseases that modern medicine cannot treat are caused by energy shocks, damage, especially good success is achieved in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, oncology, psoriasis, neurological diseases, cirrhosis of the liver and so on disappear somewhere.

The manifestations of curses and damage are obvious - these are nightmares, headaches, inappropriate actions, heart pain, despondency, depression, etc. In the old days, people said “spoiled wench”, associating lascivious and depraved behavior with this.

This is one of the most common and easily caused - damage to fornication. She differs from others not only in the minimal expenditure of energy, but also in the fact that the vast majority of spoiled girls are, and it would not occur to anyone that the girl is fornicating, precisely by carrying out a given program.

In this case, it is easiest for everyone to condemn a woman, shower her with reproaches, label her... This is understandable - after all, it is easier to condemn than to understand and help.

My job is to understand and help people who find themselves in difficult situations.

This damage is very terrible - the consequences: a depraved girl will never have harmony and happiness, will not have a family, healthy offspring, respect for basic human values.

Damage brings a huge amount of evil and disease to the target and his loved ones.

Damage to fornication is also applied to men and the consequences are no less serious.

The world is sliding into the abyss precisely because the balance of evil and good is upset.

And therefore I will tirelessly fight against damage and curses, alcoholism and fornication - and I urge you: follow me, go to light and happiness, shake off the dust of the past and repent. After all, repentance is the first step to happiness.

What is harmful magic

The evil eye, damage, curse - harmful witchcraft, which is based on the transfer of negative energy from one person to another.

If someone wishes harm, illness or misfortune to someone, mentally imagines this harm and gives vent to the entire negative image through his evil gaze, then this type of witchcraft is called the evil eye.

When negative energy finds outlet in hateful words, a curse occurs.

If special witchcraft actions are added to the curse or the evil eye, then the evil eye and curse develop into damage.

The evil eye and curse can be directed (meaningful) or unconscious (random).

In the first case, the person himself knows that he can harm other people with the power of his thoughts and desires and consciously uses this.

A random evil eye occurs when your bad (or good) thought comes into particular conflict with the natural course of events and changes your fate not for the better.

Thus, prematurely celebrating good fortune, counting unearned money, describing a negative future out loud, excessive praise (usually of children) or occasional foul language can sometimes lead to real misfortune. This is what they usually say about “he jinxed himself” or “he jinxed himself.” It should be noted that all this does not always happen and, as a rule, with the same people, who have a certain predisposition to such an attraction of negative situations and constant self-smoothing.

Damage can also be accidental.

This happens when a person with little knowledge begins to practice certain types of witchcraft, for example, a black love spell or direct communication with the other world, and makes fatal mistakes.

To one degree or another, every person has the ability to use the evil eye and curse. For some, this is an innate ability, while others develop it due to their environment and the specifics of communication. Any of your negative thoughts, sidelong glances or expressed hatred is an element of harmful witchcraft.

But not all of this always reaches your offender and more often than not it only hurts you. The point is that when your words are backed only by anger and hatred, they do not always harm the person they are intended for. The energy of anger and hatred is very heavy and immobile, so in order to move it, more dynamic solutions are needed. Only when your words are followed by your faith, when the word is supported by mental constructions, does your witchcraft gain real power.

In other words, you need to imagine the consistent development of a negative situation, see how everything happens and, most importantly, be completely confident that this is already an accomplished reality, and not just your desires and thoughts.
A curse and evil eye is almost always direct communication with a person. Damage implies its absence.

But in this case there must be an object of connection - something that determines the direction of this witchcraft in relation to a specific person. This object of communication can be any thing that has ever belonged to a person, or that briefly fell into his hands. But, of course, the closer a thing is to a specific person, the greater the possible connection with him. Therefore, blood, saliva, cut hair or nails, as well as a photograph that stores the external and internal energy cast of a person are the most common objects of any witchcraft.

Of course, a lot depends on the skill of the sorcerer himself. So, someone will desperately need the personal item of the cursed person, while for others it will be quite enough to create only a mental image and have a strong astral connection. In practice, as a rule, the simplest and most effective method is always chosen, which is currently the most easily implemented.

Damage to the trail

One of the simplest methods of such harmful witchcraft is damage to the mark, when it is noticed where a person left a mark and a nail is driven in there with a curse.

In another case, this trace is dug out of the ground or snow and various witchcraft operations are performed with it.

Such damage will lead a person to constraint, cause melancholy and sadness, make him unattractive to other people and slow down his reaction to possible dangers.

The end result of all this can be a complete loss of interest in life, the collapse of all affairs, commercial collapse and ruin, the development of sclerosis, the occurrence of urolithiasis, death from an accident or cardiac arrest.

Damage in the wind

There is damage in the wind. To perform it, a special magic powder is prepared or ordinary dirt and dust are taken, which are scattered with a special curse towards the one they are trying to kill. Usually in this case the spoiled person becomes extremely nervous and unrestrained. With his rude and harsh behavior, he alienates everyone around him. His rash actions can completely destroy his life, lead to crime and imprisonment.

A person who has been subjected to this damage experiences very rapid exhaustion of the body, weakened vision, stomach and pulmonary pain, attacks of suffocation and vomiting. Ultimately, this damage leads to loss of reason and madness, to suicide or complete physical exhaustion.

All such damage has the properties of “inhibiting” or “accelerating” a person’s psyche and behavior, when the person himself is unable and does not want to break out of the circle of problems and every day he gets more bogged down in them. In these cases, the spoiled person himself is the initiator of his own failures and losses.

In other cases, failures come to him from the outside, falling directly on his head. Very often, this is due to damage, during which a special doll is made - “volt”.

Doll - VOLT

She is completely identified with the personality of the intended victim and the situation proposed for its real implementation in the life of this person is then played out with her.

Thus, any accident, any life situation leading to loss of wealth, incurable illness, death and burial can be simulated with this doll.

A fairly common type of damage is various witchcraft actions that lead to discord in the family, as well as “tie” or “egilet”.


“Egilet” is a curse for sexual impotence; it can make a man incapable of loving action. Women are also susceptible to this curse, which can cause frigidity and infertility.

Sometimes this damage is done as follows. A small hole is made in the appropriate place on the doll, then knots are tied on the thread, and this thread is placed in the hole made. Then they cover it up and place the doll in the victim’s home. Instead of a doll, for such witchcraft the “close things” of the victim can be used - her blood, hair, nails and photographs, they are pierced with needles, scorched with fire and subjected to other tests.

Damage to the accommodation

There is damage to the population when, with the help of certain magical actions, a negative astral object (larva, elemental spirit) is created, which has only one task - to destroy its carrier, which is then introduced into the human energy field. As a result of this, the installed evil spirit receives the “right to vote” in the internal dialogue of the spoiled person; he constantly “whispers” what to do, constantly “pushes” him to those actions and decisions that will ultimately lead to losses and deprivations.

At the same time, the inhabited entity feeds on the vital force of its carrier, which causes complete loss of sanity, complete energy exhaustion and death of the organism.

Hysteria and obsession are a manifestation of the “corruption of the habitation.” If a woman is subjected to such damage, she is called a clique. Such women feel the presence of outside forces within themselves, hear voices, lose control over themselves, they constantly lament, squeal and howl like an animal, they experience convulsive seizures and fainting. Only a knowledgeable person with special skills and abilities should treat such damage. Those who are inexperienced in this matter can easily “get infected” with this disease.


A type of household damage is the amulet practice, where the original carrier of the evil spirit is a special thing, secretly or openly placed in the home of a hated person.

In this case, sheets of paper with secret symbols, various sharp metal objects, enchanted coins, ritual masks and figurines, feathers tied with red or black threads, chicken bones folded in a certain way, and fossils can be used as a malicious amulet. Corruption of a settlement is one of the most dangerous and at the same time rarest types of harmful magic. This type of witchcraft requires from its performer not only the ability to penetrate into the world of shadows, but also the ability to “remove” from this parallel space the manifestations necessary for one’s dirty deeds.

Amulet practice requires no less knowledge, but its implementation does not imply personal penetration into the infernal spheres. Therefore, this witchcraft is more common.

Such magic can be directed not only at a specific person, but also at all those who will have contact with the amulet. Sometimes, under the influence of such an enchanted thing, a significant space may appear, and all those who are in this place.

Often it is this witchcraft that causes the breakdown of families and friendships.

If a black amulet is placed where business meetings take place, deals are made and contracts are concluded, then its influence will inhibit commercial success and deprive people of business qualities.

In black craft, various objects are often used that symbolize death and destruction - ashes, ash, broken glass, gore, bones, cemetery dust, soil from a grave, a branch from a funeral wreath, a nail from a coffin, a shroud and things that once belonged to to a deceased person.

The presence of these things and objects at the door or inside your home is an important sign that black witchcraft is happening near you.

It is impossible to describe all the variety of harmful magic. The fact is that an experienced “master” uses his personal experience and methods of witchcraft. However, all harmful influences, no matter how they are executed, ultimately come down to two general rules: either it is the instillation of a certain idea and actions in a person, by doing which he brings himself to the edge of the abyss, or the abyss finds its victim itself. In the first case, the initiator of failure is the corrupt person himself, and in the second, the forces of hell become his main traveling companions.

The difference between these two principles implies different methods of getting rid of the negative consequences of the evil committed. Thus, many types of damage and the evil eye are eliminated by prayer and energy cleansing; in them, the power of God’s Word resists and defeats dark forces. Some consequences of witchcraft require a completely opposite approach.

But in any case, it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

And damage and the evil eye should be considered precisely as a disease; it can be cured and expelled.

If you see change or a broom yourself, do not touch or pick it up. Spit over your left shoulder and walk past.

If you decide to pick up a large bill, first spit over your left shoulder.

Do the same when you take the money in your hands. Under no circumstances bring this bill into your home, exchange it for small money and make your purchases only with this exchange.

Paper money is less susceptible to corruption than metal money, so it is rarely used to convey evil intentions and is usually simply lost by accident. In any case, never pick up any money if it is lying right on your doorstep.

If you find a witchcraft doll with the name of the victim written on it, contact a specialist immediately!

When, leaving the house, you find obvious signs of black witchcraft near your threshold - melted candles, ashes, needles, scattered poppy seeds and black pepper, yellow sulfur or the most common salt, then take a broom in your left hand, stand with your back to the threshold, taking a step back, step over it and over the spilled salt. Place your left hand with a broom behind your back, and hold your right hand in front of your face. Bow down to the ground at the waist, take a pinch of salt (or whatever lies at your doorstep) and say:

Hello, trouble.

I opened the gate, but you don’t go into the house.

Straighten up, throw salt over your left shoulder and complete the spell:

Apparently, I don't like you.

All this must be done with the door open.

Now slam it shut. Get rid of everything that lies in front of your doorstep. Use a broom to collect all the rubbish (in the direction opposite to your door) into a paper or plastic bag. After this, go to a deserted place and leave all the collected garbage and a broom there. After this, consult a specialist.

If evidence of damage was found inside the house (this could be bones and feathers tied with threads, a skein of black wool with needles, a bag of ashes or a note with curses), then take your find in your right hand, go with it to the open door, stand next to turn your back to the threshold and say:

You lived, trouble, in this house,
now live somewhere else,
Take everything with you!

Throw what you hold in your hand over the threshold of the house over your left shoulder and complete the plot:

What is behind me cannot go back!

Do not attempt to clean the premises yourself! Such actions require strength, knowledge and experience, as well as a strong defense.

Restoring justice

It is unlikely that any well-known dogmas about good and evil, about the need for humility and forgiveness will calm you down at a moment of extreme resentment and humiliation.

All you need is the immediate return to your offender of his harmful energy and strength that hangs over you and does not allow you to breathe freely, think and move.

Of course, forgiveness is the best way to cleanse your soul and body from the filth brought upon you, but it does not imply returning the harm caused to you to the one who committed it, and this is not always true. Evil and injustice, left unpunished, tend to be repeated, and repeated with greater scope and force. Evil seeks weakness and, having found it, enjoys its invincibility. Therefore, by forgiving over and over again, you can sentence yourself to an endless repetition of what happened.

I would like to note right away that orders of this kind should be considered only as methods of retribution for the grief and harm caused to you.

The decision about whether to take the following actions should depend on the specific situation, the extent and consequences of the harm caused to you.

If a normal life conflict occurs between you and someone, then it is wrong to immediately turn to harmful magic. The best way out of many acute situations is to increase and develop your own capabilities and strengths, which will help you emerge victorious from this situation.

If direct pressure, coercion, persecution or violence is applied to you, when there is a real danger to your health and life, complete inaction can be extremely destructive for you. Therefore, write, we will make the best decision.

Sorcerers are magicians who master both white and. They are no different from ordinary people, and they can only be recognized by the way of life that sorcerers lead. Magicians, unlike ordinary people, use their time only for self-improvement. They do not pass on their powers, but rather impose them on their descendants at the moment of their own death. You need to possess not only knowledge, but also the energy clot of a sorcerer in order to use your powers. Initiation into sorcerers is accompanied by rituals that carry one
same meaning
– renunciation of God and sale of one’s soul to the devil. Most of those who succeeded in witchcraft and learned from the experience of their predecessors lost their natural wisdom and generosity. Our article will talk about how to kill a sorcerer and take his power. Let's present several ways.

In order to master the powers and deprive the sorcerer life, you will need his photograph or portrait. You will also need three church candles (incense). This difficult ritual should be performed on the waning moon and closer to sunset (all rituals are best started with this position of the moon and sun). Having placed all the items necessary for the ceremony on the altar, light the candles and whisper the following speech, thus calling upon the secret forces: “The forces of the air, the forces of the water, the forces of the earth, help me, deprive the slave (name) of his magical powers so that he does not do evil. , did not torment human souls. Amen". Repeat this treatment three times.

Then, carefully take a pre-prepared photograph or a well-written portrait of the sorcerer. Afterwards, place it in a horizontal position between three burning church candles and whisper the following lines of the conspiracy to kill the sorcerer: “I will get up, bless myself, go, cross myself from the house by the doors, from the yard by the fence, beyond the mountains, oceans in a distant, secret direction. On the other side there is a huge fence, and Bayun the Cat sat on the fence. He sits, meows, sings, calls on the slave (name), deprives him of his magical power. He replaces all his conspiracies and curses with words, and prevents them with force. Cat Bayun save me, deprive slave (name) of magic urine, Amen.”

After you read the spell, leave a photo of the sorcerer between the candles until they burn out to the end. Then take the photograph or drawing of the sorcerer to a place where people appear very rarely, for example, a vacant lot, and bury it. At the same time, clearly pronounce the following words: “The magical power from the slave (name) leave and enter the mother earth. Amen".

In general, to kill a sorcerer and deprive him of the magical powers that he has been drawing from the depths of the demonic twisted void for a long time is not as easy as it seems at first glance. In reality, that’s the problem. Thus, to some extent, your rite cancels the rite of initiation of a person into a sorcerer, which was performed by a completely different person.

It is also important to know that a healer conducting a ritual of such complexity must necessarily be stronger than the magician whom he deprives of his powers in order to prevent the sorcerer’s lawlessness. Think carefully before you start fighting dark forces, the consequences may be irreversible.

The practice of using entities is very wide. Magicians attract to their work extraneous beings who live on the subtle planes of the world and are capable of exerting a direct influence on a person. Both good influence and bad influence.

A variant of damage with expansion is the summoning of an entity - an energy vampire, which is introduced into a person’s energy and takes away strength from him. Practical applications of such techniques are damage to the introduction of larva, damage to obsession, damage to the intake of vitality.

The manifestation of damage with accommodation occurs both at the level of physical health and psychological.

Damage due to accommodation - damage to physical health

Physically, the manifestation of damage occurs in the form of weakness, lack of energy and vitality.

As a result of damage, a person cannot focus on solving problems; he feels that he lacks the ability to solve the assigned tasks.

Consciousness and psyche goes into a state of depression and apathy towards everything that happens in life. Indifference appears even to the closest and dearest people, and problems at work that accumulate over time become uninteresting and unimportant. This is followed by dismissal, because no one will keep an employee who systematically refuses to fulfill his job duties.

Time is freed up and there is nothing to occupy it with. Without seeing prospects and opportunities, a person can escape from problems into negative hobbies. Therefore, often damage caused by addiction manifests itself in the appearance of alcoholism, gaming addiction (not necessarily gambling, it happens that a person becomes addicted to ordinary computer games, which he spends days on end playing) and even drug addiction.

Psychological manifestations of damage with moving in

From a psychological point of view, in addition to obvious mental disorders, phenomena such as schizophrenia may appear, especially if the person is predisposed. Moreover, hallucinations appear both as a reflection of actual events occurring on subtle planes, and as a completely fantasy and fictitious world of the imagination of the person himself. These realities are intertwined, which is why it is no longer possible to distinguish between the real and the imagined. The object of the influence of damage is lost and loses itself. This is how personality degradation occurs.

Similar results can be achieved by permanently binding the entity – the vampire – to the energy field of the person on whom the damage is directed.

The vampire has no fatigue or pity, does not think in terms of morality or in the categories of good or bad accepted by people. To survive, he needs to feed on the energy of life, the power of the soul.

Practically no person can resist the damage caused by sharing. And many simply do not believe and translate all such problems into the channel of some of their own far-fetched hoaxes or accidents, do not attach importance to the facts, trying to explain the observed phenomena from the point of view of science or religion. Which, in turn, deprives a person of the opportunity to receive outside magical help, which could be an effective option for solving the problem and removing damage from the introduction of an entity - a vampire.

Manifestation of damage with accommodation

The initial results of damage can be achieved within a period of one month from the moment the ritual was performed. But damage caused by relocation is an influence that accumulates its manifestations over time. That is, time will pass, a month or two, and the damage will only intensify and gain power.

I spoil it this kind very difficult to remove, because the summoned entity - a vampire - not only fixes on the object, but also protects itself from expulsion, the destruction of vampirism. And in this she can be assisted by a magician who causes damage.
But magicians always provide the option of removing damage, so expelling a resident can be done relatively easily by the author of the damage.

To summarize, I will say that, by spoiling health and drying up the soul, damage to housing can cause premature death.

This effect undoubtedly relates to practice black magic. It is used to punish enemies, if it is necessary to repay for insults and crimes, in order to restore justice in other situations. Do any damage yourself, including damage with moving in, without severe negative consequences it is forbidden. Damage creates a powerful disturbance in energy fields, which affects the fate of the person who does the damage on his own. Only a magician is able to foresee such phenomena and protect himself and the customer from negativity. Therefore, I will not talk about the technique of damage, I will not give a working ritual for free reference.

Corruption by introducing an essence is a really existing type of black magic. One of the methods of settlement creates a so-called sap in the victim’s body - a special magical creature.

Now I will talk about extremely unpleasant and frightening things, so I do not recommend that particularly impressionable people read the answer to the following question: " What is resin? I think you mentioned this term once. There is one grandmother in our village who pours on wax. She said that there was “sap” in my stomach, but she didn’t really explain anything..."

It is a pity that the mentioned grandmother did not really explain anything to the author of the question. In my opinion, having professional skills alone is not a sufficient basis for healing work with people. You also need the ability to express your thoughts clearly and clearly. What’s also important is the ability to communicate with patients of various intellectual levels: from academics to people whose speech potential is limited by phrases like: “I can’t get out of my illnesses, it could be some kind of damage...”

And now, actually, about the resin. So, there are types of damage by introducing an essence, in which a certain creature settles in the victim’s stomach. It usually cannot be seen during medical diagnostic procedures (although sometimes an ultrasound machine may show something that doctors cannot explain). But, in any case, a person well feels the presence of something inside himself. This “something” is called resin. By the way, do not confuse witch resin with the resinous mass that comes out of cuts in coniferous trees, which is also called resin.

To illustrate how the presence of oleoresin in the body is felt, I will give you a few lines from one letter: “Vladimir Petrovich, recently I visited a woman fortune teller, and she said that I had been cursed. In fact, I often feel as if I have something running, rolling, trembling all over my body, mainly in the area of ​​​​the gastrointestinal tract. It seems that there is something living inside me... Now I’m writing you a letter, and “it” is beating again. Is it really possible? Is damage something living, physically formed?"

At the same time, I will answer the question asked in the letter. Even someone who practices witchcraft and is very successful in this matter may not realize that every time he casts a spell on a person, he actually forms a certain energy essence that settles in the victim’s body and carries out the established program: it takes away life energy , takes away luck, creates mental discomfort, etc. Sometimes a person who has been attacked by witchcraft can clearly feel something in himself, as the letter says, “physically formed.” A trembling lump rolling around the body is a clot of negative energy sent by witchcraft. To form sap, the victim of witchcraft must be fed with a special potion. There are various recipes for the drug, and the type of resin depends on its composition. Accordingly, resin manifests itself in different ways. Most often it is felt in the stomach in the form of a moving lump, but it can wander throughout the body, and in women it can live in the genital area. If the problem of female infertility is of witchcraft origin, a woman may sometimes feel as if a small ball is rolling around in her lower abdomen. A wandering lump may be felt in the area of ​​the fallopian tubes. At the same time, doctors make their favorite gesture: spreading their arms to the sides with a perplexed expression on their faces.

Muffled sounds reminiscent of a dog barking or a cat meowing can be heard from the body of a person into whom the essence - resin - has been added. And if frogs were used in the drug recipe, muffled croaking may be heard from the person’s stomach. This is an old and well-established technique, quite simple to perform. I have also had such patients: the croaking from inside was very natural. In the spring, female black frogs with eggs are caught in the pond, put in a special jug, starved, etc. Of course, I won’t describe the whole process, but when the victim of damage is fed the “finished product”, after a few months a characteristic “croaking” appears from the stomach. Have you heard the expression: “The toad is strangling”? The victim of damage by frogs experiences, among other things, a peculiar symptom of suffocation.

Here is an example from a letter illustrating the state of a person on whom sap was sent: " I am writing to you asking for help. My brother had a massive heart attack three years ago at the age of 33. Doctors could not find the cause of the disease, since my brother’s blood pressure was normal and he had no special worries. One grandmother said that her brother was “done to death.” Now we don’t like his condition: his complexion is gray-yellow, he is constantly detached, there is some kind of “croaking” in his stomach. About a year before the heart attack, my mother found 12 needles laid out in a row under the floor mat in the summer kitchen. She had never had so many needles. We have no idea where they came from, but my mother made a mistake: she collected the needles on her shoulder blade and threw them into the stove in the house..."

It happens that after a healer’s treatment, the resin leaves the human body in the most direct way, with vomiting or bowel movement. Some of the people who visited the sorcerer or healer said that during the session or after it, he spat out something slimy, which then “darted to the side and disappeared.” Believe me, this was not a fiction or a hallucination! That is, some people, to their horror, had the opportunity to see a creature of this kind with their own eyes.

Corruption by introducing an essence - sap - is a rather exotic ritual of black magic, but it really exists and is practiced. A person whose body has been infused with oleoresin or some other essence necessarily requires professional witchcraft help.

Additional information on the topic discussed is contained in my article:

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