Underline words with the prefix full. Underline the words with the prefix "PO". (4b.). Fill in the missing word

Tasteless, reflect, pull out, dimensionless, endure, cross out, curtain, invigorate, predisposition, press, ice, non-stop, awakening, reassessment, retraining.

2. Define the word:

The root is the same as in the word evade

The prefix is ​​the same as in the word run away,

The suffix is ​​the same as in the word appeal,

The ending of the noun is p., avg., r., units,

And the whole - grammatical term


Take the root from the word believe,

Prefix - on the word application,

Suffix - on a word exclamatory,

The ending is at the word numeral


2.Insert the missing letters. Underline the exception words:

R...stenie,, or...schu,.neg...styat, pr...sti, r...sinks, zar...sli,, r...vestity, grown...shy, R...stov, water...sli, r ...drain,, grown...higher, R...stislav.

3.Learn and learn how to pronounce the tongue twister:

The cap is not sewn according to the cap, the bell is not poured according to the bell. The bell needs to be re-capped and re-caulked, the bell needs to be re-belled and re-caulked

Why does a duck swim? _______________

What can you cook but can't eat? ________________

Why is there a tongue in the mouth? ____________________

Which month is the shortest? ___________________

Which river is the scariest? ___________________

What is between the window and the door? _________________

What question cannot be answered with “yes”? ___________________

Until when can you go into the forest? ______________________

How to write "dry grass" in four letters? ___________________

5.Guess the puzzle:

1.Insert the missing letters I or E:

Get away, get away, get away, get away, ott..ral, lock up, lock up, lock up, lock up, elector, b... become, collect, extinct, squeeze out...gall, subtract...thaw, melt...thread, spread...deep, freeze...throw away, rub...wipe, stump...deep.

2.Complete the words. Determine their declination:

3.Insert the letters Z or S in the following words:

...shaved beard, ...savings bank, plow, to work, to work, to look, give a cinema, to tell, to ...color, to laugh, ...the local residents, ...a hunched little man, be...extreme, be... blast, and...write, shout, and...chewed,...approximation, and...interpret,...blow, and...topnik, excessive...measured, un...sonorous,...dovenant, and...dain, un...caring, and...edit , and... fry, be... ticket passenger, be... visor.

1) the progenitor of the words wheel, about, ring; 2) an ancient method of transporting goods and ships by land; 3) neuter demonstrative pronoun; 4) a pointed thick stick; 5) method of hunting; 6) light metal; 7) a person who lives dishonestly; 8) part of the face; 9) bull; 10 fortifications of ancient cities; 11) piece of clothing around the neck


2.Continue the rows of words:

· Heat - cold, heat - ...

· Big - small, huge - ...

· Start - finish, begin - ...

· Rude - affectionate, ill-mannered - ...

· Friend - enemy, friend - ...

· Praise - scold, extol - ...

3.Insert the missing word:

Hook (dew) cleaver

Garage(_ _ _ _) tobacco

Flask (alt) tin

Jamb (_ _ _ _) mirage

Tray (treasure) boat

Olympus (_ _ _ _) boat

Edge (adhesive) harness

Owl (_ _ _ _) pearl

4. Remember and complete the beginning of the proverbs:

1) _______________________________________ - hurry up. 2) ___________________________________________________, but don’t give your hands free reign. 3) ___________________________________________, but don’t be bad yourself. 4) _____________________________________________________ - love to carry sleighs.

Determine the person of the verbs.

5.Guess the puzzle:

Underline the words with the prefix "PO". (4b.)

Socks - ____________________________

Kilograms – ________________

Tomatoes - ____________________

Sled - ______________________________

Knees - _______

4. Got out of hand. ___ Head in the clouds.

Correct the mistakes (cross it out and write the correct letter on top) (10b. - 1 point for each correct answer)

There is a notice at the school entrance. On Saturday our class goes to the theater. TO

At nine o'clock the bus arrived and boarded the group of kids.


2. Primorsky.

3. Wind in the pipe howls and whistles. Finally came the long-awaited day of departure.

4. Miller-mill.

5. Yagoda, family, Julia.

6. Hold, think.

7. Scolds, is sad, thinks, cries.

8. Socks, kilograms, tomatoes, sleds, knees.

Maximum points: 36

Olympiad tasks in the Russian language. 4th grade

1.Preparing for the lesson, the teacher selected four words for the new rule: doctors, heat, hours, mushroom,... What is the fifth word? (1b.)

D) frequent

2. Put the correct emphasis in similar words: (2b.)

The sun has set behind the village. There are forty forty in the village. Clove seeds are similar to cloves.

3. Read the poem by S. Marshak. How many times is the sound [o] pronounced? How many “o”s are there in this poem? (2b.)

Time is precious.

There is a lot and little time.

A long time is not the time

If it has passed.


4. What letters are not used at the beginning of Russian words? (3b.)


5. Guess and write down proverbs based on two key words. (4b.)
Light - darkness;

Labor is laziness.

They meet and see you off.

Die - help out.


From the letters of each two words, form a third (noun). All letters must be used. (5 B.)






7. Form the genitive plural of nouns: (8b. - 1b. for each correct answer)

sock--________________ stocking--____________________

gorge--______________ saucer--________________________

towel--_______________ poker--_________________________________

kilogram--____________________ chicken--________________________

Unfortunately, there is no such word in the database. Check out the other one.

“emphasize” the root in the word and morphemic analysis by composition

Analysis of words by composition.

The composition of the word "emphasize":

Console: -

Root word: cherk

Suffix: -

Ending of the word: -

Morphemic analysis of the word underline

Morphemic analysis of a word is usually called analysis of a word by composition - this is the search and analysis of morphemes (parts of a word) included in a given word.

Morphemic analysis of the word underline is very simple. To do this, it is enough to follow all the rules and order of analysis.

Let’s do morphemic parsing correctly, and to do this we’ll just go through 5 steps:

  • determining the part of speech of the word underline is the first step;
  • second - we highlight the ending: for mutable words we conjugate or decline, for unchangeable words (gerunds, adverbs, some nouns and adjectives, auxiliary parts of speech) - there are no endings;
  • Next we look for the basis. This is the easiest part because to define the stem you just need to cut off the ending. This will be the basis of the word;
  • The next step is to search for the root of the word. We select related words to emphasize (they are also called cognate words), then the root of the word will be obvious;
  • We find the remaining morphemes for underline by selecting other words that are formed in the same way as underline.

As you can see, emphasize morphemic parsing It's easy to do. Now let's decide on the main morphemes of the word underline and analyze it.

emphasize - root suffix ending and prefix in a word

The ending in the word is emphasized

Ending. We find the ending in the word underline by changing the word (declining/conjugating). In this case the ending: -

The root of the word (in the word) is emphasized

Root. It is easier to determine the root of a word if you can select words of the same root and related words. For a word, underline the dash - the root of the word.

Prefix in the word underline

Console. We determine the prefix by selecting words that are also formed with this prefix. In this case, the prefix: -
